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Detective Conan Magic File 2: Shinichi Kudo, The Case of the Mysterious Wall and the Black Lab

Detective Conan Magic File 2: Shinichi Kudo, The Case of the Mysterious Wall and the Black Lab

Shinichi Kudo is playing soccer in the park. While there, he sees a man who is trying to confirm his alibi for when his Grandmother was murdered, as he was drunk and passed out in the park at the time, but has no one that can verify his alibi, and he is the prime suspect. Shinichi decides to help. Due getting so concentrated in this case, Shinichi gets into a big fight with Ran Mouri, the longest fight they've ever been in. After Shinichi helps solve the case, both him and Ran and shown walking home from school, both wanting to end the fighting. They both see cherry blossom's, and hear someone sing "Amazing Grace", which ends the week long fight between the two. And Conan narrates how he didn't realize that song was going how this will help in a case 3 years later, in the Full Score of Fear case..

Seeding of a ghost

Seeding of a ghost

A Hong Kong taxi driver suffers after being cursed by a sorcerer he accidentally hit with his cab. After the driver's wife is raped and killed by teenage hooligans, he pleads with the sorcerer to lift the hex and restore his wife to the land of the living. Otherworldly zombie chaos ensues..

Gong Tau

Gong Tau

Plusieurs policiers ont été la victime d’un même tueur, dans le même temps le bébé d’un détective de l’OCTB meurt dans d’étranges conditions. La police pense que ces événements seraient tous dus à un même homme qui cherche à assouvir sa vengeance..

Taram et le chaudron magique

Taram et le chaudron magique

Celui qui libère le pouvoir du mystérieux Chaudron Magique sera invincible. Le Seigneur des Ténèbres fera tout pour le posséder, mais il est mis à l'épreuve par un adversaire inattendu : un jeune éleveur de cochons nommé Taram, qui rêve de devenir un héros. Avec l'aide de la princesse Éloïse, du barde Ritournel et d'un cochon pouvant prédire l'avenir, Taram va essayer de vaincre le mal..

Le Magicien

Le Magicien

In this scene is shown a magician behind an ordinary table, upon which he suddenly and mysteriously causes to appear a large box, into which he leaps. The sides of the box fall to the ground, but instead of containing the magician a lively clown steps forth who further mystifies the audience by causing the box to disappear, and in its place is seen a fully laid table with a smoking dinner, to which the clown applies himself. The table, however, suddenly disappears much to the astonishment of the clown, who is confronted by the magician in the garb of Mephistopheles. This he suddenly changes to that of a sculptor, and in the background is seen a pedestal with the bust of a young lady, which comes to life as the sculptor applies the mallet and chisel..



Lyco is an action horror film about a voodoo priest named Lyco Fontaine (Macquell James) who is in search for an ancient Relic that has been around for centuries called the Port of Spain elephant. It is said that the elephant statue has special powers and if fallen into the wrong hands the innocence of the world would be in danger..

Magie Noire

Magie Noire

En fuite , un gang de 5 trafiquants de drogue menés par Hawk fait irruption dans la résidence isolée de Chandu, un prestidigitateur célèbre pour des numéros dont personne n'a encore réussi à découvrir le secret..

LEGO DC Shazam - Magie et monstres

LEGO DC Shazam - Magie et monstres

Il y a un nouveau super-héros en ville et son nom est Shazam! Ce fervent bienfaiteur souhaite rejoindre la Justice League, mais pour ce faire, il doit révéler la vérité : il s'appelle Billy Batson et il n'a en réalité que... 10 ans ! Confronté aux méchants Mister Mind et Black Adam, il devra apprendre que la confiance est primordiale au sein d'une équipe !.

Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga

Alors qu’elle rentre seule d’une soirée, la photographe de mode Valentina fait la connaissance d’une femme mystérieuse prénommée Baba Yaga. Peu de temps après, Valentina semble comme envoûtée par l’image de Baba Yaga et des évènements curieux se produisent autours d’elle. La jeune femme a des visions, la réalité semble irréelle….

Parties déchaînées

Parties déchaînées

Quand une délégation du pays africain de Taslamia, dirigée par son Premier ministre, la princesse Mariam, également amoureuse du dictateur de ce pays, Kaboto, arrive à Milan, divers hommes d’affaires italiens se disputent farouchement ses faveurs financières et sexuelles..



Wajan, the son of Nudonk,a witch, is beset with difficulties. His mother is in ill favor with the Balinese natives who want to get rid of her, and the hand of Sari, a native chieftain's daughter, will not be his until this is accomplished. How he manages to save his mother and also win Sari is unfolded in the film..