

Ícarus sokroflix gratuit

Star Blazers Space Battleship Yamato

Star Blazers Space Battleship Yamato

Année 2199. L'humanité vit ses derniers jours. La puissante flotte de la planète Gamilas envoie des astéroïdes radioactifs s'abattre sans relâche sur la surface de la Terre, la rendant inhabitable. Les survivants se sont réfugiés dans de vastes cités souterraines, mais la contamination radioactive s'enfoncent toujours plus profond, et il n'y aura bientôt plus de refuge possible pour l'espèce humaine. Une découverte va tout changer….

La chute d'Icare

La chute d'Icare

The Fall of Icarus proposes the magnification by the camera of a concrete material, the simple sand placed on a flat screen illuminated from behind, to reveal the changes of form and the movements of the matter once in contact with the elements: water, fire, earth and air. Particular care has been taken in the correspondence between sound and image: the compositions of the image (colors, knots of density, movements) surprisingly find their equivalence on the sound level in the music of Mireille CHAMASS..

Le vol d'lcare

Le vol d'lcare

Loosely following the Greek myth of the Flight of Icarus, Georges Schwizgebel opens his directional career with Le vol d'lcare, a short animation of LED lights..

The Fall of Icarus: Narita Stories

The Fall of Icarus: Narita Stories

A companion piece to The Wages of Resistance: Narita Stories, which dealt with the protests against the construction of Narita Airport. Depicts the lives of youth who fought alongside farmers against the nation state. Farmers launched a protest movement after the government decided to build a giant airport on the farming land of Sanrizuka in Narita City. Youth who believed in their ability to change the world supported the farmers' protests. Fifty years have gone by. The camera examines what used to be there and brings to light the past era buried beneath Narita Airport..

Ten Minutes Before the Flight of Icarus

Ten Minutes Before the Flight of Icarus

A manifesto for the post-Soviet generation of Lithuanian filmmakers who rejected straightforward declarativity and immersed themselves into the silent observation of reality. Arunas Matelis traces the beginnings of post-Soviet transformation not in the main squares of Vilnius but observes it in the daily life of the inhabitants of Užupis–a historical quarter of the old town of Vilnius. The film, awarded in the Oberhausen, Bornholm and Pärnu film festivals, was also screened as a feature in the Cannes Film Festival..

The End of St. Petersburg, or New Icarus

The End of St. Petersburg, or New Icarus

1992, the time of the Perestroika. Inspired by Vsevolod Pudovkin’s “The End of St. Petersburg” (1927), the artist chooses the Greek mythological figure of Icarus as a person falling apart from the diversity of temptations and creates a romantic performance-self-portrait..

Planet Power

Planet Power

This movie explores the history of electricity - from the first spark created by man's hand to today's industrial power plants. We meet scientists who changed the world, like Faraday, Franklin, and Tesla and we glimpse the future, as Solar Impulse becomes the first plane to complete a round-the-world flight powered only by the sun. With a mix of chalk animation, CGI, archival footage and spectacular aerials, the film also explores the challenges ahead: how to meet the growing energy needs of our industrialized world, while also protecting the health of our planet..

Ikarie XB 1

Ikarie XB 1

Nous sommes en 2163. L'Ikarie XB 1 est la toute première station spatiale envoyée pour 15 ans au plus profond de l'espace afin d'y découvrir de nouvelles formes de vie. Arrivé là où plus personne ne vous entend crier, l'équipage découvre contre toute attente l'épave d'un antique vaisseau terrien, entièrement peuplé de cadavres....