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Dorian Shanley, is a heart surgeon who abuses alcohol and drugs. Dorian trades stolen pharmaceuticals for cocaine , provided by his best friend and enabler, Teddy. While Dorian's life and career take a nosedive, Shanley numbs the pain of losing his father, William Shanley, to a form of Alzheimer's common in prizefighters. To further complicate circumstances, Dorian falls in love with his girlfriend's best friend from college, Anna. The film follows Shanley through a maze of pharmacies, clubs and binges and surgeries, into the heart of drug abuse.

Venom Hunters

Venom Hunters

New Discovery series VENOM HUNTERS will follow four brave teams of expert snake hunters who have the guts and skills to chase down the world's most venomous snakes and collect this highly toxic liquid. Each team has unique motivations and thrives on the thrill of the hunt, but they all share the same goal: saving the lives of others..

Wide-Eyed and Legless

Wide-Eyed and Legless

Diana and Deric have an ideal marriage: they thrive in each other's company, they're funny, and they enjoy their two grown children and Deric's dotty mother; the trouble is, Diana can no longer walk and her malady defies medical diagnosis. To care for Diana, Deric is letting his business slide, but at a civic luncheon, he is seated next to Aileen Armitage, a novelist who is blind. They have a nice time, and on the sly, Diana contacts Aileen to made an odd request. Diana's declining health and her resolve bring this triangle of unlikely friends to a surprising place..

La Douce Empoisonneuse

La Douce Empoisonneuse

Chaque mois, Clémence, retraitée, redoute la visite de Charlie, son voyou de neveu, qu'elle a élevé. Avec ses comparses, il vient lui extorquer l’argent de sa pension pour mener une vie d’oisiveté. Face à son comportement odieux, elle décide d'abord d’appeler la police et de se réfugier chez l’un de ses vieux amis. Mais bientôt, une meilleure idée lui vient à l’esprit pour se débarrasser de ces parasites..

Hired Wife

Hired Wife

Ad man Stephen Dexter asks his secretary Kendall to marry him as a loophole in order to protect his finances during an important business deal. Once the deal is completed, he asks Kendall for a divorce and is dismayed when she refuses..

Public Enemy's Wife

Public Enemy's Wife

Judith has just been paroled for a crime which her vindictive, jealous, violent husband, Gene, fingered her for. Gene is in prison for life. She claims that she had no knowledge of Gene's criminal activity, but FBI agent Lee Laird doesn't buy it..



RiverBlue chronicles an unprecedented around-the-world river adventure, led by renowned paddler and conservationist, Mark Angelo, who ends up uncovering and documenting the dark side of the global fashion industry..

Femmes de dictateurs

Femmes de dictateurs

Pour la première fois des épouses de dictateurs acceptent de nous ouvrir les portes de leur nouvelle vie. Ces femmes nous révèlent au cours d’interviews exclusives, la vision qu’elles ont, par delà les horreurs commises par leur mari, de leur véritable rôle, de leur responsabilité et de leur culpabilité. Quel a été leur véritable pouvoir ? Sont-elles jugées pour ce qu’elles ont fait ou pour ce qu’elles représentent ? Sont-elles complices ? Pourquoi sont-elles souvent encore plus détestées que leur mari ? Quelle responsabilité de la communauté internationale souvent complaisante ?.

Flaxy Martin

Flaxy Martin

Attorney Walter Colby has ties to the mob, but he begins to regret his criminal affiliations. When his girlfriend, showgirl Flaxy Martin, who also has shady connections, becomes a suspect in a murder, Walter takes the fall. However, on his way to prison, he escapes, determined to bring the real killer to justice..



Acting : Guru
popularity : 0.371
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Guru en streaming gratuit.

The Poisoner's Handbook

The Poisoner's Handbook

In 1918, when New York City hired its first scientifically trained medical examiner Charles Norris. Over the course of a decade and a half, Norris and his extraordinarily driven and talented chief toxicologist, Alexander Gettler, would turn forensic chemistry into a formidable science, sending many a murderer to the electric chair and setting the standards that the rest of the country would ultimately adopt..

Imelda 4: Le Cadeau

Imelda 4: Le Cadeau

Jean and André have organized a birthday brunch for their 89 year-old mother, Imelda. But things turn sour when the birthday girl finds out that her gift isn't what she'd been hoping for..

Tut's Toxic Tomb

Tut's Toxic Tomb

Paleoanthropologist Ella Al-Shamahi explores the gripping science behind an astonishing Egyptian legend as she investigates whether toxins inside Tutankhamun's tomb and among the pharaoh's treasures could explain a number of mysterious deaths..