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The Black Box

The Black Box

Cuban filmmaker Enrique "Kiki" Álvarez's newest feature paints a slow-burning love story set in the years immediately following the Cuban Revolution in January of 1959. The Black Box is a secret diary written by Elsa and read by her granddaughter several decades later, a film about a young woman who finds and reads the experiential, emotional and political legacy that her grandmother has left hidden like a magical object. Featuring rare footage from the beginning of the Cuban Revolution..

Boxer, Lover, Lawyer

Boxer, Lover, Lawyer

Brothers Zhengxiong and Zhenghan lost their father in their early years. The brothers have been dependent on each other since they were young, and they have a deep brotherly love. Zhengxiong has an active personality, is upright and strong, and likes to fight with others since he was young. Zhenghan has a quiet personality and likes to read. Seeing that Zhenghan is eager to further his studies, Zhengxiong learns boxing and becomes a boxing coach to earn money for Zhenghan to study. Zhenghan becomes a famous lawyer in the future, and he works tirelessly while studying law at university. Zhengxiong meets Lin Yinyin, a top student from the art department from Zhenghan's university and seeing how perfect of a woman she is, Zhengxiong tries to set Zhenghan up with Yinyin. However, Zhenghan's heart is only in his studies..

The Boxy

The Boxy

A story of a doomed attempt to separate from the society and the outside world. In the yard of a young couple’s house, a strange man in a box moves in. Chasing the uninvited guest away is not enough to get out of the impasse in their lives..

Fighting Tommy Riley

Fighting Tommy Riley

Un entraîneur vieillissant et un jeune combattant, qui ont tous deux besoin d'une seconde chance, font équipe pour vaincre les démons de leur passé ... et pourchasser leurs rêves d'avenir..