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Lady Boxer

Lady Boxer

Fire Concubine takes up Thai boxing to avenge her brother's death. This does not go down well with the local mafia who arrange for a witch to put a deadly curse on her..

Caisses fermées caisses ouvertes

Caisses fermées caisses ouvertes

L’écrivain galicien Xavier Queipo prépare son déménagement pour retourner au pays après avoir vécu plus de 30 ans à Bruxelles. Il vide sa maison et met ses souvenirs dans des caisses que les déménageurs chargent dans le camion pour être emportées en Espagne. Un autre galicien, le cinéaste Hugo Amoedo, lui aussi installé à Bruxelles, ne sait pas quand il pourra y retourner. Entre-temps, il apprend à son fils à rouler en vélo, il doute, fait des rêves, a des idées de films et se dispute au guichet de la poste..

Saaya's Box

Saaya's Box

With the power of a magic box that makes things disappear, a little girl gets exactly what she wants: her mother's sole attention. She soon learns, however, that her little brother is important too. -JAPAN CUTS: Festival of New Japanese Film.

Black Box

Black Box

After running away from home in his youth, Túlio has grown adrift from his family. 40 years later he has to come home one last time to bury his parents and his brother and claim what now is his..

Jogi and a Box

Jogi and a Box

While returning a lost package, Jogi and Davor are faced with bureaucracy at the post office, so they decide to deliver the package themselves. On the way to the right address, they encounter some problems, but with some luck they solve them. Heavy music, two models and one box..