

voir film Medieval streaming vf

Medieval Lives: Birth, Marriage, Death

Medieval Lives: Birth, Marriage, Death

In Medieval Lives: Birth, Marriage, Death, historian and author Dr. Helen Castor (She-Wolves: England's Early Queens) examines how the people of the Middle Ages handled three of life's great rites of passage birth, marriage, and death. Why were physicians of no help to women enduring the pains of labor and the dangers of childbirth? Why were newly married couples "put to bed" by the priest on their wedding night? What did it mean to "die well" and why was death such a communal affair, both before and after it happened?.

Life In Medieval Britain

Life In Medieval Britain

'Life In Medieval Britain' is the perfect introduction to everyday life during the Middle Ages. Featuring realistic reconstructions filmed at a working medieval village, this DVD helps explain the habits and customs of a people living during a turbulent period of British history. Dr Martin Lowry, Dr Robert Swanson and Andrew Brown provide expert comment and analysis on a time of great upheaval..

Carcassonne, une forteresse médiévale

Carcassonne, une forteresse médiévale

La cité de Carcassonne a été fortement influencée par l'architecture militaire. Sa forteresse, l'une des mieux conservées d'Europe, est l'un des sites les plus visités de France, avec 2 millions de personnes qui s'y pressent chaque année. Par sa dimension, sa complexité et son état de conservation, elle rend compte de 1 000 ans d'histoire architecturale dans la défense militaire. Des experts et des historiens décryptent les prouesses techniques du bâtiment et livrent ses légendes et secrets..

Glories of Medieval Art: The Cloisters

Glories of Medieval Art: The Cloisters

Philippe de Montebello, Director of The Metropolitan Museum of Art from 1977 to 2008, guides viewers through The Cloisters, pointing out Romanesque and Gothic architecture and artwork, beautiful tapestries, and the diverse species in the gardens. He outlines the history of the building and it's many influences and highlights significant works of art in the collection. It was produced in 1989 by The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Office of Film and Television..

Evil Dead 3 : L'Armée des ténèbres

Evil Dead 3 : L'Armée des ténèbres

Une tronçonneuse greffée au poignet, un fusil à canon scié dans la main libre, Ash se retrouve bien malgré lui plongé dans le passé vers l’an 1300. Pour s’en sortir, il lui faut mettre la main sur le Nécronomicon, grimoire responsable de son état. Mais les dangers qu’il va rencontrer sont multiples. Sa quête va se transformer en croisade contre des forces machiavéliques, qui vont l’obliger à affronter une armée de squelettes….

Votre Majesté

Votre Majesté

Le prince Thadeous arrogant et paresseux, doit effectuer une quête pour sauver son royaume avec l'aide de son frère Fabious héritier présomptif. Ils doivent sauver la fiancée de Fabious, la Belladone enlevée par le méchant magicien Leezar..

Le Bon Roi Dagobert

Le Bon Roi Dagobert

Dagobert, roi paillard et grand pécheur, se rend à Rome pour demander au pape Honorius Ier le pardon de ses fautes. Sur place, il rencontre des complots, des faux papes, des vrais assassins et surtout la soeur de l'Empereur de Byzance, la belle princesse Héméré dont il tombe follement amoureux. Mais une ultime trahison fomentée par le moine Otarius mettra fin à ses projets..

Teen Knight

Teen Knight

A young teenager wins a contest for a "Medieval Adventure" from a soda company. The winners, plus a film crew from the soda company arrive at the castle for the adventure. During the night, a spell cast over 600 years prior brings the castle and all the people in it back to 1383. The evil Lord Raykin plans on retrying to take the castle. It is up to the group to stop him, and thereby return to the 20th century. They enlist the help of the former court magician, Percival, to help them..

The Machine That Made Us

The Machine That Made Us

The printing press was the world's first mass-production machine. Its invention in the 1450s changed the world as dramatically as splitting the atom or sending men into space, sparking a cultural revolution which shaped the modern age..

Bastions of Power

Bastions of Power

Castles were bastions of power. Yet, what was life like behind their walls? Part 1 of our documentary follows their development from simple wooden fortifications to the most elaborate strongholds and residences. Part 2 examines their military function from the 11th to the 16th century. When the enemy was at their gates, they had to withstand battering rams, catapults and sapping which called for ever new solutions by their defenders until, finally, large-calibre cannons spelt their end..

Full Metal Jousting

Full Metal Jousting

A maverick group of fighters compete for top honors in the most dangerous competition in history. Far from the contrivances of the Renaissance Fair, this is authentic, full-contact jousting, with two competitors on horses charging towards each other at 30 miles an hour. Gone is the traditional armor, replaced by state-of-the-art protective gear. Each week's episode features full-contact trials and preparations that will ultimately determine the champion-king of the joust..

The Magic Sword

The Magic Sword

On the roof of an ancient palace appear a young Knight and his lady. While they are making love an ugly old witch appears and is rather troublesome. The Knight commands her to leave, and when he is about to force her away she sits on her broom and rises to the moon. After disappearing she causes various hob-goblins to haunt the pair, the last of them stealing away the lady while the Knight's back is turned. The Knight, frantic with grief, is suddenly confronted by a Fairy, who presents him with a magical sword, and tells him that he can use it to regain the young woman..