

Troll sokroflix gratuit

Troller les trolls

Troller les trolls

En moins de dix ans, les réseaux sociaux ont révolutionné la sphère publique. Bien que ces plateformes aient démocratisé la liberté d'expression, elles ont également engendré un éventail d'idées putrides et de visions du monde que nous pensions autrefois avoir disparues. Appels à la déportation, misogynie éhontée, menaces de mort... Y a-t-il des limites à la liberté d'expression sur le Web ?.

Gnomes and Trolls: The Secret Chamber

Gnomes and Trolls: The Secret Chamber

Junior, a teenage gnome, wants nothing more than to invent gizmos and gadgets in his tree-house laboratory. But Junior's old school father, Jalle, the head gnome of the forest, would prefer his son follow in his footsteps and one day be in charge of his own forest. In spite of their differences, on the eve of the first winter storm Junior helps Jalle distribute food rations. Then disaster strikes..

Catfish: Trolls

Catfish: Trolls

The three-week event will explore one of the most pervasive and consistent issues online: internet trolling. Using the "Catfish" brand of investigating the truth, host and executive producer Charlamagne Tha God, and his co-host, social media entrepreneur Raymond Braun, will confront the issue head-on and bring subjects face-to-face with their aggressors for the first time..

Cannibal Troll

Cannibal Troll

A group of friends on a camping trip, for the bride to be' s hen do, find themselves hunted down by a man eating cannibal troll in the woodland. They are hunted, captured and locked up in the Trolls torture chamber being forced to undergo a variety of challenges in order to escape their fate..

Trolley Troubles

Trolley Troubles

Oswald incarne un conducteur de tramway qui tente d’éviter les catastrophes. En chemin, il doit faire avec une cabine pleine de passagers lapins tapageurs, des collines extrêmement escarpées, une vache têtue, une chèvre enragée et d’autres obstacles..

The Last Norwegian Troll

The Last Norwegian Troll

In the old days, Norway used to be a safe haven for Trolls, but not anymore. One day three young goats decide to get rid of an old Troll who lives under a bridge. Little do they know that he is the last survivor of his species, the very last Troll of Norway....