

Titanic voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Titanic, au cœur de l’épave

Titanic, au cœur de l’épave

Le Titanic est l'épave la plus célèbre du monde. Pourtant, lorsqu'en 1912, l'immense paquebot sombre, personne ne sait où se trouve exactement l'épave. Grâce aux avancées technologiques, une équipe composée d'océanographes, de scientifiques et d'explorateurs dispose enfin des outils et engins nécessaires pour explorer les fonds marins..

S.O.S. Titanic

S.O.S. Titanic

Le Titanic quitte Southampton le 10 avril 1912. Le film suit différents passagers que sont, en première classe John Jacob Astor et son épouse ainsi que le couple Marvin, en voyage de noces. En deuxième, le film suit Lawrence Beesley, ensuite auteur d'un ouvrage sur le naufrage. En troisième classe, l'histoire se focalise sur un groupe d'émigrants irlandais. Le film passe d'un groupe à l'autre et montre leur vie pendant la traversée. Au bout de quatre jours, le navire heurte un iceberg et sombre. Les passagers doivent alors lutter pour leur survie (source Wikipedia)..

L'Attaque des Titans

L'Attaque des Titans

Dans un monde ravagé par des titans mangeurs d’homme depuis plus d’un siècle, les rares survivants de l’Humanité n’ont d’autre choix pour survivre que de se barricader dans une cité-forteresse. Le jeune Eren, témoin de la mort de sa mère dévorée par un titan, n’a qu’un rêve : entrer dans le corps d’élite chargé de découvrir l’origine des titans, et les annihiler jusqu’au dernier….

Titanic: The Musical

Titanic: The Musical

In the final hours of April 14, 1912, the RMS Titanic, on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York, collided with an iceberg and ‘the unsinkable ship’ slowly sank. It was one of the most tragic disasters of the 20th Century. Fifteen hundred seventeen men, women, and children lost their lives..

Titanic: Stories From the Heart

Titanic: Stories From the Heart

Director James Cameron, producer Jon Landau and star Kate Winslet share memories and favorite moments, and recount the challenges of making the greatest love story of all time. Go back in time with never seen before film clips, photos, and behind-the-scenes moments..

L'Attaque des Titans - Junior High School

L'Attaque des Titans - Junior High School

L'histoire suit Eren Yeager et Mikasa Ackerman entrant Titan Jr. High, une école où les humains et les Titans étudient dans la même région en coexistence. En raison d'un événement «traumatisant», où le Titan colossal a mangé son déjeuner au collège, Eren déteste les Titans, et essaie constamment de trouver un moyen de débarrasser la terre de leur espèce. A cause de cela, il a du mal à se faire des amis, beaucoup à l'inquiétude de Mikasa..

Saving the Titanic

Saving the Titanic

In the hours after the Titanic struck an iceberg 100 years ago, a team of shipbuilders and engineers raced against time to save the stricken vessel. Based on eye-witness accounts, this film reveals what went on below decks in the hours before the Titanic sank, telling the previously relatively unheralded stories of engineers who fought courageously to hold back the power of the sea and keep the power systems running, even when they learned that all was lost. Most of these men died but their actions bought enough time to save many lives. This drama-documentary tells a poignant story of self-sacrifice by the Titanic's engineers, stokers and firemen in the face of impending death..

Die Katastrophe der Titanic

Die Katastrophe der Titanic

Incredibly fascinating documentary short that is a truly historic film. We see the actual Titanic leaving for its last voyage and also all the aftermath of the tragedy. We get to view various interesting aspects including seeing Captain Smith minutes before the boat sails, the Mary Sculley and the Carpathia in action, the Carpathia returning to the shore with survivors, Captain Rostrum of the Carpathia, family members at the White Star Office in NY waiting for news and even some of the survivors pulled off the lifeboats. Anyone interested in this historic event would certainly find this film fascinating and it's pretty sad and spooky to watch it today..

Titanic Town

Titanic Town

Belfast 1972: The politically naive Bernie is trying to bring up a normal family in less than normal surroundings. Her best friend is accidentally shot dead by the IRA, and her neighbours are constantly raided by the army. In this climate of fear she stands up and condemns the murders. Criticising both factions, her call for a ceasefire is interpreted as an attack against the IRA, and as her peace movement takes momentum, she and her family are placed in the frontline..

Titanic 2000

Titanic 2000

The luxury liner Titanic 2000 has set sail on its maiden voyage, and one of the passengers is the vampire Vladamina. Vladamina is searching for a woman she can turn into a vampire queen, and frustrated rock groupie Shari looks to be a perfect target. As various people get seduced and/or killed as the liner continues on its doomed voyage, Shari must chose between eternity as a living dead sex slave or a frigid grave at the bottom of the ocean..

Titanic Waltz

Titanic Waltz

Based on a play by Tudor Mușatescu, Titanic Vals is the essence of Romanian genius in comedy, with amazing performances and the beautiful absurd of the quotidian..

Words of the Titanic

Words of the Titanic

Readings from the diaries, accounts and letters of its passengers and crew tell the story of the Titanic, which sank 100 years ago today on its maiden voyage. The cast includes Richard E Grant, Roger Allam, Anna Madeley, James Wilby and Claudie Blakley, alongside relatives of those who were on board. Charles Dance narrates..

Last Year Titanic

Last Year Titanic

Director Andreas Voigt interviewed people of different ages and social backgrounds about their experiences after the fall of the Berlin Wall. He paints an important picture of this historic period in German history, filled with radical social and economic change and insecurity. Last Year Titanic was shot from December 1989 through December 1990 — the last months of the GDR and the first months in united Germany..

Titanic : anatomie d'un géant

Titanic : anatomie d'un géant

14 avril 1912, le Titanic sombre dans les eaux glacées de l'Atlantique Nord. Mais au-delà du célèbre naufrage, il est une aventure bien plus méconnue, et pourtant tout aussi incroyable que son destin légendaire : sa construction. 110 ans après la tragédie, ce documentaire revient sur la genèse du plus mythique paquebot de tous les temps. Jamais un tel navire n'avait été imaginé, aussi grand et luxueux..

Kyojinzoku no Hanayome

Kyojinzoku no Hanayome

Alors que Kouichi se reposait dans sa chambre après son match de basket, voilà qu'il est soudainement convoqué dans un autre monde. Il apparaît alors face à Caius, le premier prince du royaume des géants. Très intéressé par ce qu'il voit, Caius décide de faire de Kouichi son fiancé et espère que ce dernier... lui donne un bébé !.

Cinematic Titanic: Rattlers

Cinematic Titanic: Rattlers

Something is very wrong in the Southwestern desert! It starts when rogue rattlesnakes attack two young boys, and it goes downhill from there. The local authorities summon herpetologist Dr. Tom Parkinson to investigate why the snakes are being such jerks. With the help of photographer and fledgling feminist Ann Bradley, the two of them embark on a haphazard and half-assed investigation – and romance. The hunt leads them to a nearby army base and its uncooperative commanding officer, Colonel Stroud. But when marauding rattlers kill two soldiers, the medical officer on the base can no longer keep silent and reveals the terrible secret, unleashing a chain of events, which lead to all kinds of explodey 1976 action, putting an end to the deadly rattlers. Maybe....

Titanic: And The Band Played On

Titanic: And The Band Played On

From the moment the ship sank, a series of powerful myths grew up around the Titanic. Perhaps the most potent of all was that of the band standing on deck, bravely playing on until the last lifeboat had left and there was no hope of escape. For the first time, Titanic: The Band Played On tells the story of those unsung heroes who were about to play for the last time..