

The Tomb voirfilms

Candle in the Tomb: The Lost Caverns

Candle in the Tomb: The Lost Caverns

Hu Ba Yi, Shirley Yang and Wang Pang Zi explore a mysterious tomb in the Shaanxi region. Shirley Yang travels to the Longling Maze Grottos to investigate unusual patterns on fossil fragments. On the way, she crosses paths with Hu Ba Yi who along with Wang Pang Zi have just escaped from the ancient city. The trio become companions in another tomb-raiding adventure. ~~ Adapted from the 2nd volume in the novel series "Candle in the Tomb" (鬼吹灯) by Zhang Mu Ye (天下霸唱)..

Le Tombeau de Jésus

Le Tombeau de Jésus

Un documentaire sur la découverte, en 1980, d'un tombeau à Talpiot, un quartier de Jérusalem. Celui-ci aurait renfermé le corps de Jésus mais aussi de sa compagne et de leur fils, prénommé Judas..

The Tomboy

The Tomboy

Miss Devore plays Tommy, a young woman who runs a boarding house for her father, an inventor of eccentric devices, and the boarders are the usual collection of neurotics in such an effort..

The Tomboy

The Tomboy

A wealthy miner, having no near relatives, leaves his two little daughters to the guardianship of a former chum of his, who had left the west with a fortune and returned to his old home in an eastern city. The guardian is rather overwhelmed by his responsibilities, but induces his old aunt to come and keep house for him, and prepares to give his charges a hearty welcome. The guardian is a young man, and is surprised to find that one of his wards is of marriageable age, beautiful and vivacious. He promptly proceeds to lose his heart to her, and while she admires him immensely the girl is finally thoroughly impressed with the idea that her guardian would gladly be rid of her. T.

The Vampire's Tomb

The Vampire's Tomb

The mysterious Dr. Acula arrives at a foreboding mansion and swirls his cape through a complicated inheritance scam and murder mystery featuring vampires and a deranged family out for blood..

Tilly the Tomboy Visits the Poor

Tilly the Tomboy Visits the Poor

Funny how we think of the loutish behaviour of some of today's teens as a modern-day phenomenon. Here, in a short film more than one hundred years old, we see two tearaways terrorising a bed-ridden old lady, sabotaging a number of honest workmen as they go about their daily work, vandalising a bakery and taking a vehicle without consent - all in the space of six frenetic minutes..

Terry the Tomboy

Terry the Tomboy

Terry the Tomboy centers around a confident, bacon-loving and shower-deficient tomboy whose summer goal is to win the county fair pie-eating contest. After meeting her new neighbor Brett (Charlie Depew, The Amazing Spiderman), she isn’t so interested in pie anymore and realizes the worst thing has happened — she’s a tomboy who has fallen in love..

L'homme qui tombe à pic

L'homme qui tombe à pic

Cascadeur à Hollywood, Colt Seavers profite de ses talents pour arrondir ses fins de mois en étant chasseur de prime. Aidé de son célèbre pickup, de son cousin Howard et de la belle Jody, il a souvent pour mission de traquer des fugitifs pour les confronter à la justice....

La Vallée des rois : Les Tombes oubliées

La Vallée des rois : Les Tombes oubliées

"The Lost Tombs", qui sera diffusé sur Discovery + en plus d'être diffusé sur Discovery Channel, relate la plus grande fouille en Égypte depuis 100 ans. Le Dr Zahi Hawass explore la tristement célèbre Vallée des Rois à la recherche du trésor de la reine Néfertiti, parmi d'autres artefacts inestimables du Nouvel Empire..

Gengis Khan, à la recherche de la tombe secrète

Gengis Khan, à la recherche de la tombe secrète

La quête ultime pour beaucoup d’historiens et d’archéologues est de retrouver les traces que l’on pensait perdues, des anciennes civilisations et de leurs fondateurs. L’équipe scientifique que nous avons suivie est partie en Mongolie pour tenter au moyen de nouvelles technologies, de trouver la mystérieuse tombe de Gengis Khan en espérant confirmer quelques-unes des plus anciennes légendes de l’Empereur. Voyagez au cœur de la Mongolie du XIIème siècle à la recherche de la tombe secrète de Gengis Khan..