

The Last Word sokroflix gratuit

Last Words

Last Words

The film’s main protagonists are household items of the 1950s-1970s shot on film. Their path goes from the written to the erased. From the clear to the forgotten. Obsession with the past — this is their space. The images gradually become and blurred down to pure emotion. Nothing can be saved, and it is impossible to return anywhere. This is a film where the characters take the stage for the last time..

Any Last Words?

Any Last Words?

Inspired by the life of Bat Masterson. After a violent war has broken out between the Cowboys and Native Americans, Bat finds himself lying on the ground, badly wounded, after a heroic showdown. Shot and on the brink of death he is visited by Mobius. As Mobius consoles him they revisit Bat's choices and how they have defined his life. He'll be left to make his toughest one yet, whether to live and fight or die..

Last Words of Hreggviður

Last Words of Hreggviður

Hreggvidur, an old right-winger, dies of a heart attack while trying to publish an article in The Conservative Paper. Hreggvidur has been a regular contributor for decades and he disagrees with the new editorial policy. Thus he rises up from the dead to terrorize the editor into publishing the article..

Perfect Sense

Perfect Sense

Au milieu d'un monde frappé par une étrange épidémie qui détruit progressivement les cinq sens, un cuisinier et une brillante chercheuse tombent amoureux....

His Last Word

His Last Word

"Dad" is the manager of the telegraph room of the Kripps News Service, and for forty years has rendered them invaluable service. Everyone, from Moss, the resident manager, down to the office boy, fairly swears by Dad. A new general manager, Harrison Cole, is engaged and starts out on a tour of inspection of the various branches..

Gorbatchev : en aparté

Gorbatchev : en aparté

Une immersion dans l'intimité de Mikhaïl Gorbatchev, le dernier dirigeant de l'URSS. L'architecte de la perestroïka et de la glasnost, encensé à l'Ouest mais honni dans son propre pays, toujours combatif malgré son âge avancé, la solitude et la maladie, offre son testament personnel et politique..

Romance on Lushan Mountain 2010

Romance on Lushan Mountain 2010

The classic film "Romance on Lushan Mountain" was a big hit in China in 1980. Thirty years later, leading actress Zhang Yu is delivering a sequel to fans, but this time as the director. Now let's take a closer look at Friday's premiere in Nanjing. It's just a peck on the cheek to filmgoers today, but that was the first kiss featured in a movie made after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Not only did it break a taboo on big screen intimacy, but it also made then-23-year-old actress Zhang Yu an idol throughout the country. Now, 30 years later, Zhang is back as the director presenting a sequel to the classic romance. She says the new film is out to explore the meaning of real love. Attaching 2010 to the original name, the new "Romance on Lushan Mountain" appeals to today's audiences. The film will be released across China on October 5th..

Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend: The Pet

Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend: The Pet

After eating a rarebit, a man falls asleep and dreams his wife adopts a mysterious animal with an insatiable appetite. The pet eats its milk, the house cat, the house's furnishings, rat poison, and passing vehicles, including airplanes and a blimp, while growing larger and larger. This cartoon is part of a Dream trilogy animated by Winsor McCay in 1921. (CBGP).