

The Host sokroflix gratuit

Tech N9ne's Hostile Takeover: The Story Behind The Tour

Tech N9ne's Hostile Takeover: The Story Behind The Tour

Independent pioneer, Strange Music founder, and Hip-Hop Legend, Tech N9ne takes us behind the scenes of the historic 2012 Hostile Takeover tour. Touring over 90 cities in just over 100 days, the 2012 Hostile Takeover Tour was the longest and most ambitious tour in hip-hop history. Now for the first time, we will see all of the behind-the-scenes moments as told directly to us by the visionary himself, Tech N9ne..

The Hostage Heart

The Hostage Heart

When billionaire industrialist goes into a hospital for a heart operation, some people who claim to be revolutionaries enter the operating room and draw guns and holds the man and the entire surgical staff hostage. They then demand 10 million dollars. The administrator calls the police and the FBI. The police claim jurisdiction over the matter and the man in charge is intent on taking them even if some of the hostages get killed. Eventually they learn that some of the people in hospital are with them..

The Air Hostess

The Air Hostess

A little boy (as pilot/crew/mechanic) and a little girl (the title air hostess) do their best to get a delapitated airplane airborne and take their full load of adult passengers to their destination. They fail spectacularly..

The Host Cell

The Host Cell

Tilly is watching a Sci-Fi show about space commanders trying to kill a Robotic Host Cell that has infected humans and turned them into robots. While she watches, her parents argue about about what to do with her degenerate grandfather who has become a burden on their lives..

La Tour Eiffel en otage

La Tour Eiffel en otage

Un malfaiteur a décidé de prendre la Tour Eiffel en otage, et il exige une rançon en menaçant de la faire sauter. La mère du président des États-Unis se trouve parmi les otages. Les accès à la tour sont protégés par de puissants lasers..

Virginia Creepers: The Horror Host Tradition of the Old Dominion

Virginia Creepers: The Horror Host Tradition of the Old Dominion

Virginia Creepers examines more than 50 years of television horror hosting in the Commonwealth of Virginia as a reflection of a national cultural phenomenon. The film not only documents shows and personalities but also the transformation of local television programming from a breeding ground for homegrown talent and community involvement to its current state as a corporate cookie cutter. It also documents the rise of the internet host, which began with Virginia's Count Gore De Vol..

Hostage in the Jungle

Hostage in the Jungle

Ingrid Betancourt was the world’s most famous hostage. On February 23rd 2002, Ingrid, a presidential candidate in Columbia’s elections, was kidnapped by the left-wing FARC rebel group along with her assistant and friend Clara Rojas. She was held for over six years in the jungle. This is the first documentary account of what happened in the jungle in her words and those of fellow hostages. In a truly remarkable interview Ingrid relives stories of escape and betrayal, love and hate, terror and extraodinary courage..

J.W. Marriott: Host to the World

J.W. Marriott: Host to the World

J.W. Marriott features informative interviews with his sons J.W. Marriott, Jr. and Richard Marriott, granddaughter Debbie Harrison, friends the Reverend Billy Graham and Sterling Colton, a former employee and others..

Held Hostage: The Ordeal in Amenas

Held Hostage: The Ordeal in Amenas

Held Hostage is the real and terrifying story of ordinary foreign workers who came face to face with Al Qaeda at the In Amenas gas plant in Algeria in January 2013. The attack left over 37 foreign hostages dead, including people from the U.S., U.K., France, Japan, and Norway. As the horrific events unfolded over four days in the full glare of the world's media, Algerian special forces and helicopter gunships attacked the site in an effort to end the crisis. Bringing together exclusive interviews with survivors and their families, expert analysis of the key events, and powerful dramatic reconstruction of the terrifying four-day siege, this documentary raises many unanswered questions: How did a convoy of terrorists manage to travel undetected across hundreds of miles of desert and gain control of one of Algeria's most important and valuable gas facilities? And who was ultimately responsible for the safety of the workers?.

Hostage: The Bachar Tapes (English Version)

Hostage: The Bachar Tapes (English Version)

Hostage: The Bachar Tapes (English Version) is an experimental documentary about "The Western Hostage Crisis." The crisis refers to the abduction and detention of Westerners in Lebanon in the 80s and early 90s by "Islamic militants." This episode directly and indirectly consumed Lebanese, U.S., French, and British political and public life, and precipitated a number of high-profile political scandals like the Iran-Contra affair in the U.S. This period is examined through the testimony of Souheil Bachar, who was the only Arab to have been detained with the American hostages kidnapped in Beirut in the 1980s. In 1999, Bachar collaborated with The Atlas Group to produce 53 videotapes about his captivity. Tapes #17 and #31 are the only two tapes Bachar makes available outside of Lebanon. In the tapes, Bachar addresses the cultural, textual, and sexual aspects of his detention with the Americans..

23:15 - Mania - Battle of the hosts

23:15 - Mania - Battle of the hosts

Yes, here we are finally..... the season finale of 23:15 news! It was a great season, and we laughed a lot, cried a lot (Ozze sunny), and above all had a lot of fun! Hope everyone enjoys this great event! "Its not the destination that matters..... Its the journey".

The Hostel For Homeless Young Mums

The Hostel For Homeless Young Mums

What do you do when you’re young, homeless and have a baby? As homelessness in the UK reaches the highest level in a generation, for many this is an all too real predicament. With 130,000 children now growing up with no fixed abode, the government have described the situation as a national crisis. This film follows the ups and downs of a group of young women who, with nowhere else to go, are temporarily living in a mother and baby hostel in Luton. With support from staff, they are able to forge friendships, come to terms with the past and begin to rebuild their lives, before eventually being placed in a permanent council home. Katie, 19, found herself homeless with twins after her relationship with mum and stepdad broke down and she split up with her boyfriend. Talamika, 22, has lived in the hostel for three years but can’t leave until she has cleared her £3000 debt.

The Hostellers

The Hostellers

Two keen hostelling youths, Ken Moody and Brian Cotton, convert a boat in their native Selby into a youth hostel, and get the chance to air their views on the direction that hostelling is taking in the mid-1960s..