

The Confession streaming vf complet gratuit

The Howerd Confessions

The Howerd Confessions

The Howerd Confessions was a British comedy television series which originally aired between 2 September and 7 October 1976 on ITV. It featured comedian Frankie Howerd "confessing" various indiscretions. The director/producer was Michael Mills, with scripts by Dave Freeman, Dick Hills, Hugh Stuckey and Peter Robinson..

Confessions From the Grassy Knoll: The Shocking Truth

Confessions From the Grassy Knoll: The Shocking Truth

The Grassy Knoll: FBI Agents re-examine the JFK Assassination presents an investigation into the story of a man who confessed to firing the fatal shot from the Grassy Knoll in Dealey Plaza; Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. His story becomes one more compelling piece of evidence for what most Americans have long suspected: that their government covered up critical facts about the CIA's collaboration with Organized Crime to assassinate the President of the United States..

The Confession of Max

The Confession of Max

After years of chasing a notorious serial killer nicknamed, "The Mistress Murderer," a tenacious police detective is told the infamous murderer has turned himself in, and in order to hear his true confession, he demands to tell his life story..

The Confession Musical

The Confession Musical

Two worlds collide when a young Amish girl discovers she was adopted by a wealthy family. As she seeks her birth mother, overcomes the obstacles of a lost fiance, and a crafty gold-digger who seeks the fortune of her birth mother..



1951, à Prague. Anton Ludvik, vice-ministre des Affaires étrangères et ancien déporté, est fier de ses brillants états de service: les Brigades internationales et la Résistance en France. Pourtant, depuis quelque temps, ce militant communiste intègre se sent traqué. Ses amis l'ignorent et les plus importantes décisions sont prises sans lui. Il est également épié et suivi, et son téléphone est sur écoute. Un jour, dans une rue déserte, des hommes surgissent de deux voitures, lui passent des menottes et l'emmènent en prison. Mis au secret, torturé, Ludvik est sommé d'avouer des crimes qu'il n'a pas commis. Il doit se rendre à l'évidence. Il ne s'agit pas d'une erreur, mais d'une machination politico-judiciaire....

The Confessions of Thomas Quick

The Confessions of Thomas Quick

A loner from an early age, Thomas Quick went on to become Sweden's most notorious serial killer, openly confessing to the gruesome murders of more than 30 people. Held for decades in a psychiatric institute, Quick's confessions emerged after years working with a group of touchy feely therapists, convinced that the recovery of memories would cure patients of their criminality. In a country with a low crime rate, the nation watched with horror as Quick's confessions mounted, accounting for many of the country's unsolved murders. With testimonials from a range of people whose lives have been dominated by this story - including Quick himself - and dramatic reenactment, Brian Hill weaves a stylish noir thriller that works a treat on the big screen. What appears at first to be a tale of unimaginable evil evolves into something much more layered as Hill digs deep into the motivations behind those working closely with Quick..

Les Confessions

Les Confessions

Quelque part en Allemagne des dirigeants politiques du G8 et le directeur du FMI se réunissent en vue d’adopter une manoeuvre secrète aux lourdes conséquences. Mais tout ne va pas se dérouler comme prévu à cause du décès du directeur du FMI..

Confessions from the David Galaxy Affair

Confessions from the David Galaxy Affair

Professional astrologer and lothario David Galaxy (Alan Lake, aka Mr Diana Dors), finds himself entangled with the Law and must be able to provide an alibi to clear himself from an incident that involved robbery and murder five years previously..

Confessions of the Paparazzi

Confessions of the Paparazzi

Controversial freelance photographer George Bamby reveals the dark arts of his profession as we see him in hot pursuit of celebrities such a Britney Spears in search of a photo that will reap huge rewards..

The Infernal Comedy: Confessions of a Serial Killer

The Infernal Comedy: Confessions of a Serial Killer

In 1976, Jack Unterweger was convicted for the murder of Margaret Schaefer and sentenced to life in prison. While imprisoned, he committed himself to reading and writing, eventually earning literary respect both inside and outside the penitentiary. In 1984, his autobiography "Fegefeuer" (Purgatory) became a bestseller..