

The Breed sokroflix gratuit

The Dark Side of Pet Breeding

The Dark Side of Pet Breeding

For thousands of years, humans have been breeding dogs for work and companionship. When breeding was done in the right way, both species were arguably better off from it. But today, puppy mills profit by catering to cost conscious and whimsical consumers. It's time congress put a stop to irresponsible breeding or, sooner or later, we will no longer recognize “man’s best friend’..

Complete Breeding: The Aesthetics of Confinement

Complete Breeding: The Aesthetics of Confinement

Eun-hee and Jung-yeon head toward a pension to have a blast with the guys. Chul-soon is the janitor and he is caught sneeking a peek at Eun-hee and Jung-yeon tanning, but gets away with it in return for letting them take an embarassing video of him. That night, while having dinner, Eun-hee excuses herself from the table and Jung-yeon and Min-ki have sex. They realize someone is wwatching and thinking it's Chul-soon again, beat him up. However, Chul-soon is innocent and he decides to take revenge..



A half-cast used cars salesman wants anything from the white society and is ready to do anything to get it. But when he is accused of murdering his half-sister who was killed with his rifle, he flees to an indian village. He doesn't feel any more at home there than in the white city. He decides to go back to find and punish the killer..

Another Breeding

Another Breeding

Do-min goes to get money from Bo-yeong and falls in love with her. However, Do-min should not be caught. Bo-yeong is just something he has to breed. Do-min raises Bo-yeong, but his heart does not stop for her. Bo-yeong, noticing other people's feelings, started to read them in order to escape from slavery. Bo-yeong, along with Jun-ho, succeeded in rearing the people after many twists and turns, and tried to escape from slavery using the people, but was blocked by Seong-hee. Seong-hee tries to sell Bo-yeong and Jun-ho to Do-chool, and Bo-young tries her best to overcome the crisis. Bo-yeong and Jun-ho finally succeeded in defeating Seong-hee. Bo-yeong enjoys her success by taking revenge on Seong-hee and the people, but is attacked by Jun-ho. Bo-yeong is again strategized as a slave by Jun-ho..

Howard… une nouvelle race de héros

Howard… une nouvelle race de héros

Howard est un canard qui vit en paix sur sa planète. Jusqu'au soir où une mystérieuse tornade l'arrache à son fauteuil. Le palmipède se retrouve projeté dans l'espace intersidéral et finit par atterrir dans l'arrière-salle d'un bar punk, à Cleveland, dans l'Ohio. Une jeune chanteuse de rock, Beverly Switzler, s'y produit. À la fin de son numéro et alors qu'elle s'apprête à regagner ses pénates, deux loubards l'agressent. Howard vole à son secours. Reconnaissante, Beverly accueille ce courageux canard sous son toit. Sa nouvelle vie ne déplaît pas à l'animal, que son sens de la répartie cinglante protège des sarcasmes des Terriens. L'un d'entre eux pourtant ne songe pas à se moquer de lui : Phil, un ami de Beverly qui travaille au muséum d'histoire naturelle, s'intéresse même de très près à son cas....