

Retreat voirfilms

Christmas Couples Retreat

Christmas Couples Retreat

Three couples head to a retreat to strengthen their relationships, but not everything goes according to plan. For the therapist guiding the retreat has to work through feelings of her own, and one couple's son falls for the manager..

Sexual Retreat

Sexual Retreat

Mark, along with his girlfriend, Tracy, decided to go to the mansion to get some rest, where they were met by the hostess named Colette. After a while, their company joined Denise, who at this point had a quarrel with her boyfriend Paul. All together they had nice time told stories to each other, on topics related to love and sex, and sometimes tested them to the practice ....

Writers Retreat

Writers Retreat

At a writers' retreat on an isolated island, novelist Zandra joins a group of strangers confronting their darkest secrets. But when a member of the party mysteriously disappears, they realize there's something else on the island..

Weekend Retreat

Weekend Retreat

Weekend Retreat is a darkly comic thriller set in an isolated house in the picturesque Cornish countryside. Karen Campbell has brought her husband Duncan away for a 'quiet weekend', a chance to communicate and rebuild their fractured marriage. Duncan plays along but seems distant. During their first night they're taken hostage by Kevin and Gary, estrange brothers desperate for money who thought the house was empty. Gaffer taped back to back the Campbell's marriage is pushed to the limit while the brothers can't stop bickering long enough to get the job done. As the weekend draws on the stakes are raised as secrets are revealed and body parts lost..

The Last Retreat

The Last Retreat

Four friends win a weekend away at a luxury retreat in a secluded location. Once they arrive everything is going to plan, until they hear a ringing phone....

Silent Retreat

Silent Retreat

The story centers on a man and woman with relationship issues who decide to go on a meditation retreat that requires absolute silence for three days along with the man's best friend and recently widowed mother..

The Retreat

The Retreat

Mia is a young woman who is struggling to cope with the aftermath of a traumatic event that has changed her life forever. She can't sleep, she can't eat - She can't live. In her desperation, she seeks out the help of a highly secretive retreat lead by a shadowy female figure named Echo, who claims to have the solution to all of her problems..

La retraite de l'amour

La retraite de l'amour

Jenny travaille pour Bloom, une marque bien connue de produits de beauté. En plus de s'occuper des ventes, elle crée du contenu en ligne pour divers médias sociaux. Lorsque sa patronne, Gwen, lui dit que l'entreprise fermera son magasin pour passer aux ventes uniquement sur Internet. Pour planifier le travail et fédérer le groupe, une réunion d'entreprise est organisée dans un resort de luxe à Miami. Jenny vit cette retraite avec frustration car son nouveau collaborateur a une méthode de travail diamétralement opposée à la sienne. Mais entre les réunions, les cours de yoga, les jeux collectifs et les fêtes, les deux apprennent à mieux se connaître et se rapprochent. Le problème sera la réaction de Gwen qui ne voit pas d'un bon œil cette entente amoureuse entre son frère et Jenny..

C. G. Jung at Bollingen Tower Retreat

C. G. Jung at Bollingen Tower Retreat

In 1951, Jung was filmed at his Bollingen retreat by two Americans, Jerome Hill, an artist and film-maker from Minnesota, and Maud Oakes, an author and researcher, whose book Where the Two Came to Their Father was the first major publication of the Bollingen Foundation. That book described a ritual and ceremonial sequence given to Maud by and old Navajo Medicine Man, along with its accompanying sand paintings. Maud had long been interested in Jung and his new psychology of the collective unconscious. She had met him in 1937 in New York, when she, along with her friends, Paul and Mary Mellon, attended a lecture he gave there..

Néry and the Retreat from Mons

Néry and the Retreat from Mons

Following the Battles of Mons and Le Cateau the already near exhausted British Expeditionary Force, who had been marching and fighting for six days without a break , embarked on a nine day epic march across France. They headed back to the safety of the far side River Marne south of Paris rather than to the traditional haven of British Armies – the Channel Ports.The BHTV team of historians and battlefield guides take us to the scene of some sharp rear guard actions fought during the Retreat from Mons including the great cavalry actions at Cerizy and Nery, where the mounted British soldier established domination of his German counterpart. As they travel the highways and byways of France they analyze the decisions made by the commanders in that fog of war that together spelt the end of the Schlieffen Plan and set conditions for the 'miracle of the Marne'..