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The Punks Are Alright

The Punks Are Alright

The chronicles of punk rockers from three different countries (Canada, Brazil and Indonesia) and how their music ressonates with each other. By a series of musical and ideological exchanges, the film provides insight on the youth culture in each of the very different locales..

Stories from the She Punks

Stories from the She Punks

Loud, fearless and (un)typical girls: Gina Birch (The Raincoats) and Helen Reddington (The Chefs), musicians and punk icons turned directors, serve up a fascinating documentary built on new interviews with the women who played instruments in punk bands in the 1970s. In accounts laced with wit, honesty and insight, pioneering players including the Adverts’ Gaye Black (bass), Palmolive from The Slits (drums), Shanne Bradley from The Nips (bass), Jane Munro from The Au Pairs (bass), Hester Smith and Rachel Bor from Dolly Mixture (drums and guitar), bassist Gina and guitarist Ana Da Silva from The Raincoats, as well as many others, we hear about acquiring instruments, learning to play, forming bands and getting gigs..

102 Punks

102 Punks

Jamie and Nikki are two street hip young punks, who meet and throw themselves into a whirlwind and sometimes tumultuous romance replete with sex, drugs and rock and roll. The two couldn't be more perfect for each other, or not. Nothing could tear them apart. But when Jamie's true plans for his music become evident, Nikki questions his loyalty to their lifestyle and their relationship..

Place aux jeunes ! Des beatniks aux punks

Place aux jeunes ! Des beatniks aux punks

Du milieu des années 1960 à celui des années 1970, en France comme en Europe, des centaines de milliers d'adolescents ont choisi ou rêvé de tout abandonner, en quête d'un autre monde plus ludique, plus généreux et moins violent que celui que leur proposait le bonheur programmé de leurs aînés. Beatniks puis hippies, ils se sont engagés sur des chemins de traverse avec pour objectif «l'aventure, la route, l'amour, la musique, le partage».

Surf Punks

Surf Punks

Excellent documentary about the very early LA hardcore punk scene that almost seems accidental. Upon visiting LA in the summer of '81 the film maker notices that strangely enough Punk doesn't seem to be dead in L.A., but on the contrary, there seems to be a massive teenage movement going on. He decides to make a short documentary about it. As he says (not without irony); "Since everything happens a few years earlier in the US, I can show the parents back home what's in store for them". He was ofcourse witness to the baby steps of the hardcore scene. This is the only documentary of the era that is not sensationalizing or mythologizing. It doesn't talk to any of the scene "stars" but rather follows a few disenfranchised suburban kids and runaways (in Venice beach I think). A rare look into a self destructive and nihilistic scene, where the main motives seem to be restlessness and soul crushing boredom. Perhaps one of the very few documentaries that give this era a human face..

Wild Sex of the Children of the Night

Wild Sex of the Children of the Night

In the future, when everybody is going to wear fancy clothing and make-up, and be aggressive as a form of survival, two rival punk gangs fight for the same territory. Action takes place mostly during the nights, and people gather in groups usually having some big name as leader, such as punk singers. After groups are formed, they start fighting against each other, trying to secure leadership. Main groups are the Lady's, the Baby's, the Drago's and the Ratos (Rats). They mix sex with violence, sometimes with subsequent death. One of the few dissonant voices is Gatão (Big Cat), kind of barbarian super-hero who faces punk tribes alone, standing for old-fashioned values such as honor, honesty, loyalty and care for defenceless people. Kind of "The Warriors" (1979) wannabe..

Crash Punks

Crash Punks

If you thought you had seen everything, you were wrong. Put together by an insane group of friends, Crash Punks push the boundaries. It can be gross and even disturbing at times, but it's nonstop fun that will keep you laughing..

Golf Punks

Golf Punks

An out-of-work golf pro gets pulled into teaching the game to the "Bad News Bears" equivalent of young golfers at a public course..

Punks and Poseurs: A Journey Through the Los Angeles Underground

Punks and Poseurs: A Journey Through the Los Angeles Underground

At its core, “Punks and Poseurs” is a narration-free concert film, but it’s cut with terrific interview footage that explores the changing nature of punk, from insider and outsider perspectives. There’s a lot of great footage with writer/performers Pleasant Gehman and Iris Berry, torpedoing the influx into the music scene of neophyte phonies who just didn’t get it, explaining title of the program. (After this first aired in 1985, a bunch of the new waver/Durannie chicks at my high school—which is to say all the girls who were trying their suburban Ohio best to look like Gehman and Berry—started calling everyone “poseurs,” which was pretty funny.) There’s also a hilarious interview with employees at a store called “Poseur,” which sold punk fashions and accessories—people had to get that shit somewhere before Hot Topic forever banished punk to the mall, no? Also keep an eye out for the kid giving a primer on how to fashion liberty spikes with Knox gelatine..

Daft Punk - Daftendirektour 97

Daft Punk - Daftendirektour 97

Daftendirektour fut la première tournée de concerts du duo français de musique électronique Daft Punk . La tournée a duré de janvier à décembre 1997. Ce concert est celui de Los Angeles, le 17/12/1997, leur seule prestation sans casque, et a été diffusé une seule et unique fois sur Twitch le 22/02/2022, pour fêter les 25 ans de leur premier album "Homework"..

Daft Punk - Musique Vol 1, 1993-2005

Daft Punk - Musique Vol 1, 1993-2005

1993–2005 est une anthologie de Daft Punk qui comprend un DVD bonus avec 12 vidéoclips - deux dont sont nouveaux, "The Prime Time of Your Life" et "Robot Rock (Maximum Overdrive)". L'édition DVD a été notée 15 par le BBFC, en raison du contenu de la vidéo "The Prime Time of Your Life"..

Three Palms for Two Punks and a Babe

Three Palms for Two Punks and a Babe

The story takes place in 1993 Serbia, torn by hyperinflation and economic disaster. Milan, an avid fan of FC Partizan, lives with his friend, a painter, and makes money by selling his paintings to the "new elite". He meets a nice girl who works a phone sex hot line and the two eventually fall in love. An another friend so his is a treasury guard in a bank governed by a shady lady known as "Serbian mother", notorious for cheating the thousands of creditors. The couple is planning to rob the bank and run away to a remote sunny island with palms..