

Property voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Property Wars

Property Wars

Property Wars est une série de télé-réalité américaine diffusée sur Discovery Channel et créée le 12 juillet 2012. La deuxième saison a été annoncée le 18 décembre 2012, avec le début de la saison le 10 janvier 2013. Property Wars suit un groupe d'hommes , situé à Phoenix, en Arizona, qui ont enchéri pour acheter des maisons saisies, sans pouvoir regarder à l'intérieur. Dans chaque épisode, les principaux membres de la distribution se regroupent devant la maison pour voir dans quel état elle se trouve pendant que leur enchérisseur est sur place à la vente aux enchères pour la maison. L'acteur John Ray a déposé le bilan du chapitre 13 en octobre 2012, en raison d'un retard dans le remboursement d'un prêt de 600 000 $..

Property of the State: Gay Men in the Apartheid Military

Property of the State: Gay Men in the Apartheid Military

This documentary deals with the contradictory experience of gay men in the military during apartheid in South Africa - an environment in which homosexuals sometimes found erotic space, but mostly encountered hostility. It draws on a literary exploration of gay experience in the military in the 'grensverhaal' (border story) genre of the 1980s as well as interviews with conscripts who served in the South African Defense Force and anti-military activists. The film paints a harrowing picture of forced conscription in the 1970s and 1980s and brings to light a hidden history of persecution, which was an integral aspect of the brutality of apartheid..

Hot Property

Hot Property

This official entry to the first Metro Manila Film Festival in 1983 directed by Lino Brocka and starred Carmi Martin, Phillip Salvador, Dennis Roldan, Vic Diaz, and Tony Santos, Sr centers on the story of Gigi, a burlesque dancer who is the main attraction of show..

Hot Property

Hot Property

Hot Property is a Channel 5 show originally broadcast from 1997 to 1998 and hosted by Sandy Mitchell. It was then revived from 5 November 2001 to 11 July 2003 in two formats; originally hosted by Tris Payne in 2001 but then replaced by Alice Beer from 2002, when the series was retooled into a game show. An Australian version of the show began on 1 January 1999, hosted by Michael Caton. A 14th season was aired on Nine Network in 2013..

Freedom of Expression: Resistance & Repression in the Age of Intellectual Property

Freedom of Expression: Resistance & Repression in the Age of Intellectual Property

In 1998, university professor Kembrew McLeod (Associate Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Iowa) trademarked the phrase "freedom of expression" - a startling comment on the way that intellectual property law restricts creativity and expression of ideas. This provocative and amusing documentary explores the battles being waged in courts, classrooms, museums, film studios, and the Internet over control of our cultural commons. Based on McLeod's award-winning book of the same title, Freedom of Expression charts the many successful attempts to push back this assault by overzealous copyright holders. Freedom of Expression is an essential tool for educators, activists, filmmakers, students, artists, librarians, and more..

Family Property: Backwoods Killing Spree

Family Property: Backwoods Killing Spree

On his deathbed Derek's Dad made him vow to not let anybody whatsoever come on this property, but if they do, KILL' EM! For the first time in ten years people make the mistake of stepping onto the Jones's land, which evokes a horrific and grisly killing spree like no other..

Property is Theft lol

Property is Theft lol

A group of young radicals band together armed with bongo drums and Molotov cocktails made from craft beer bottles. An act of extremism is replaced by aesthetic value. Mao's Little Red Book is no longer in print. The mediated images of teen dystopian dramas galvanize the youth into new productions..

Last Stop for Lost Property

Last Stop for Lost Property

What happens when you lose something on the subway in New York? Chances are you’ll run into the wise, gentle, and unofficial ambassador of the Transit Authority, Sonny Drayton. Through his humor and intimate personal knowledge of the subway, Sonny invites us to consider what it means to lose and be lost underground, often the last stop for those who’ve fallen through the social safety net and have nowhere else to go. “Last Stop for Lost Property” questions how we value the artifacts of our lives: big and small, cherished and dismissed, tangible and existential..