


Semana Santa em Ouro Preto

Semana Santa em Ouro Preto

Filmed between March and August 1970, the film presents the Catholic festival from its performative dimension. Residents of the region reveal a certain nostalgia for the spectacle, which, according to them, have been lost over time. It is in the search for a theatrical revival that the film operates, reactivating the historic city as a large open-air stage..

Preto no Branco

Preto no Branco

Terrified by urban violence, a middle-class family in Rio de Janeiro mistakes a black office boy as a burglar when the he was sent to pick up a wedding dress for urgent adjustment..

Pobre Preto Puto

Pobre Preto Puto

Nei D'Ogum is African religion, is sex and is racial causes. He is love and contradiction. He is a fighter for civil rights for black people, gays and transsexuals. He is the very cause. He describes himself as 'Poor, n*gger, fagot'..

Black in White

Black in White

Roberto Carlos, a 20 year old black man, runs fast down the street to not miss the bus. This is his version of the story. Isabella, a white woman, claims that he had stolen her purse. The main question is: who speaks the truth? This realistic short film reflects a little bit of the Brazilian racist scene..

Além de Preto, Viado

Além de Preto, Viado

This film addresses issues related to black gay men, inside and outside the LGBTQ+ movement. Hypersexualization of black bodies, loneliness, racism and homophobia are examples of the topics covered. Thus, we seek to discuss, at different times, the experiences of these subjects and their characteristics..