

Pompeii film en francais

Il Volo - live From Pompeii

Il Volo - live From Pompeii

Il Volo is an Italian operatic pop trio formed by the tenores Piero Barone, Ignazio Boschetto, and baritone Gianluca Ginoble. Il Volo was formed in 2009, having been influenced by the crossover style of the italian Andrea Bocelli..

The Real Pompeii

The Real Pompeii

When Mount Vesuvius erupted In 79 AD, it buried the booming city of Pompeii under tons of debris, sealing the fate of more than a thousand people. But It also sealed the ancient city - preserved it, protected it, like nowhere else on earth. Because of this, archaeologists and historians can clearly describe life in Pompeii up until its final moments. Now see the ancient city as never before with scenes from the motion picture, "Pompeii.".

Pompeii - Herculanum

Pompeii - Herculanum

Les techniques graphiques informatiques les plus avancées ont permis la réalisation de cette intéressante visite virtuelle de Pompéi. Un voyage dans le temps à la découverte de Pompéi tel qu'il était à l'apogée de sa splendeur, avec des reconstructions tridimensionnelles des lieux les plus importants par rapport à des fouilles archéologiques d'aujourd'hui. Le documentaire vous fera revivre l'éruption dévastatrice du Vésuve en 79 après J.-C. et marcher à travers la basilique, temples, thermes, le théâtre et les plus belles maisons. Toute fidèlement reconstituée, avec des effets spéciaux et des sons.Il contient également une courte vidéo avec des reconstructions virtuelles des lieux les plus importants de Herculaneum..

The Origins of Pompeii

The Origins of Pompeii

For the first time, and thanks to new archaeological excavations, this documentary reveals how Pompeii, the pride of its builders, developed, from its origins at the end of the seventh century BC until the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. The use of CGI and 3D mapping provides a very clear view of this ancient superstructure and eight centuries of urban evolution. We will revive this great historical fresco through accounts by international archaeologists and historians. Pompeii: The Origins is a journey to the heart of an ancient ‘motion designed’ city..

The Other Pompeii: Life & Death in Herculaneum

The Other Pompeii: Life & Death in Herculaneum

The subject of this documentary is a straightforward one: presenter Andrew Wallace-Hadrill introduces us to the treasures of Herculaneum, the city close to Pompeii that suffered a similar fate as a result of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, but which was covered under a far thicker layer of lava and other materials..

From Pompeii to Xenia

From Pompeii to Xenia

From Pompeii to Xenia puts in echo times of innocence struck by disaster: the lightning tornado which had beaten down on the American city of Xénia in 1974 answers, at thousands of kilometers in distance and centuries apart, the mythical eruption of Vesuvius in 79. The extended panorama, derived through the crossing of history and from an intimate story and urban sociology, is the cinematic reconstruction of a personal history: of its historical and geographical conditions to its processing..

Further Up Pompeii!

Further Up Pompeii!

This one-off was shown on ITV in 1991, and by different writers, then the original Talbot Rothwell & Sid Colin. In my opinion a brilliant come-back for Howerd, with a new cast, and funny script. This could have seen a good return as a series on ITV, although Howerds own death in 1992 limited this. The cast in this one-off feature some regulars from other sitcoms from the 1970's including Roy Evans who now stars in Eastenders. The set was more like a theatre than a TV set, no reality at all which, was actually quite a good move. In summing up they successfully bought a true classic back to life with Further Up Pompeii. It's well worth watching at least 2..

A Day in Pompeii

A Day in Pompeii

A Day in Pompeii, a Melbourne Winter Masterpieces exhibition, was held at Melbourne Museum from 26 June to 25 October 2009. Over 330,000 people visited the exhibition -- an average of more than 2,700 per day -- making it the most popular traveling exhibition ever staged by an Australian museum. Zero One created the animation for an immersive 3D theatre installation which gave visitors a chance to feel the same drama and terror of the town's citizens long ago, and witness how a series of eruptions wiped out Pompeii over 48 hours..

Sex in the Ancient World: Prostitution in Pompeii

Sex in the Ancient World: Prostitution in Pompeii

The excavations of Pompeii reveal a thriving sex industry with prostitutes ranging from female slaves to male celebrities. But like today sexual promiscuity was not considered proper or even legal. This program examines how such blatant behavior could flourish under fairly strict social norms and whether Pompeii was a sexual hot spot or reflects common practice in the Roman Empire..

Love, Life and Death In Pompeii

Love, Life and Death In Pompeii

No other place gives us such a sense of the ancient world as the narow streets of Pompeii and Herculaneum. But what do these ruins really tell us? How did the peope in the towns around Mt. Vesuvius live and love - and how did they die. From politicians to gods, from workshops to rental notices: this film follows the traces that the Romans left behind What roles did women and slaves play? Where did the Pompeians sleep? And what was their favourite vice in the Taverns? Colorful stories, elaborate 3D reconstructions and explanations from internationally renowned classical scholars make Pompeii and Herculaneum come alive again..

The Treasures Of Pompeii

The Treasures Of Pompeii

The National Archaeological Museum of Naples shows visitors things they can no longer see in Pompeii: the breathtaking treasure trove of finds that tell us so much about life in the Roman Empire -- The sensational frescos and mosaics, but also pots and pans, locks and drinking glasses: and last but not least erotic fantasies so explicit that they were kept under lock and key for decades. And then there are the incomparable works of classical art from the Fornese Collection; the treasures in the National Archaeological Museum reveal the ancient world in all its diversity and tell the exciting story of its rediscovery..

David Gilmour - Live At Pompeii (Documentary - Pompeii Then and Now)

David Gilmour - Live At Pompeii (Documentary - Pompeii Then and Now)

45 ans après avoir filmé le concert “Live at Pompeii” avec son groupe Pink Floyd, David Gilmour retourne, lors de la tournée pour son album No.1 “Rattle That Lock”, au légendaire amphithéâtre Romain pour y donner deux shows spectaculaires. Pompeii Then and Now est un documentaire retraçant la venue de Pink Floyd en 1972 pour le film musical Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii d'Adrian Maben..

Neapolitan Dance at the Ancient Forum of Pompeii

Neapolitan Dance at the Ancient Forum of Pompeii

A folk dance staged in the ruins of Pompeii. With the Arch of Tiberius in the near distance and Arch of Caligula in far distance. A troop of soldiers, or possibly more performers, march past. W K L Dickson who is directing the action can apparently be seen on far right of picture..