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The Stick

The Stick

A squad (stick) of South African soldiers is sent into the bush to track down some rebel fighters when things take a supernatural turn..

The Expendables

The Expendables

Captain Baronski, assigned a squad of misfit soldiers, trains them into a fighting powerhouse "The Expendables." Breaking every rule, they must risk their lives crossing into Cambodia to save the American hostages..

The Ukrainians: Battle for Donetsk Airport

The Ukrainians: Battle for Donetsk Airport

Documentary about specific phases of the battle for the Donetsk airport and about the hero-fighters of the Ukrainian Volunteer corps in Pisky. The film presents the war in extreme focus – adrenaline, humor, pain, anguish, and courage are tightly packed into 82 minutes of screen time. It shows scenes of the battle, evacuation of the wounded, the capture of the new airport terminal, and civilians, who live near the fighting’s epicenter. It features death and frontline humor, and a bit of philosophical discussions as well..