

Où voir The Unicorn Netflix

The Unicorn

The Unicorn

Unicorn Human Disease is an extremely rare phenomenon in certain traditional societies. Research indicates that this disease is typically caused by feelings of isolation and the repression of personal sexual instincts, with the most prominent symptom being the growth of a horn on the patient's forehead..

The Unknown Inn: The Awakening of the Unicorn

The Unknown Inn: The Awakening of the Unicorn

Guo Ci, the only survivor of the Guo family, was rescued by a mysterious elder in the murder case. Since then, he has contained a powerful unicorn in his body. He has changed his face and disguised himself as Huang Si who made a living by trickery, and hid in a small inn..

The Legend of the Unicorn

The Legend of the Unicorn

Based on the musical by Javier Munoz and Diego Izola. In a quiet fishing village, all adults have to put to sea. When parents go, a whole series of terrors and monsters attack children. To add to the confusion appears the terrible unicorn whose breeding is gone and blames plunging fishermen in seabed..

Les curiosités du mal

Les curiosités du mal

Accablé par la dépression, Élias accepte finalement d'accompagner son amie d'enfance et toute sa bande de potes pour un séjour loin du béton de la ville. Après une première soirée électrique passée dans une immense demeure à la décoration étrange, le groupe de millennials s'enfonce dans la forêt adjacente..

The Unicorn

The Unicorn

Harriet and Frank Allard have been married for many years. Almost twenty years ago, Harriet had a love affair with a colleague of Frank's, Claes von Klitzow, who made her pregnant. She had a son, Christer, whom Frank thinks that he is the father of. One day, Christer reveals that he is going to marry von Klitzow's daughter Louise. Harriet becomes upset but what will she do? Try to stop the marriage by telling the truth - which would endanger her marriage with Frank - or keep silent, which would mean that two half-siblings married?.

Riding a Unicorn

Riding a Unicorn

Determined to revive her startup's dwindling success, an innovative young CEO hires a middle-aged, traditional businessman to join her hardworking team..

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096

U.C. 0096. Trois ans se sont écoulés depuis la conclusion de la Seconde Guerre contre Neo-Zeon. La Fondation Vist, que l’on soupçonne de manipuler à la fois Anaheim Electronics et le gouvernement fédéral, s’apprête à céder un objet secret aux Manchettes, les survivants de Neo-Zeon, dans l’espoir de créer un monde nouveau. L’échange doit avoir lieu sur la colonie industrielle Industrial 7. C’est là qu’habite Banagher Links, un jeune lycéen qui sauve une jeune fille piégée dans la zone en apesanteur de la colonie….

The Unicorn in Snow Pants Suddenly Ran Off

The Unicorn in Snow Pants Suddenly Ran Off

“The Unicorn in Snow Pants Suddenly Ran Off” explores the clash between blind children's play worlds and the reality they live in. The film introduces us to three confident children, for whom blindness is not a disability but rather a different kind of normal. Unicorns, call centers and flying grandfathers each play a role..

Ma petite licorne

Ma petite licorne

Sang Tian est un patineur artistique en herbe. Le jour de ses 18 ans, elle jure à sa famille qu'elle sera acceptée dans la même université que sa mère a fréquentée. Pour être admise, elle doit réussir un test qu'elle – patineuse et étudiante exceptionnellement compétente – s'attend à réussir..



Following the crew at the fictional company Maccom, where they navigate the chaotic battlefield common to Korean start-ups. Steve is the slightly mad mastermind behind Maccom, while Ashley is on the innovation team and is one of his smartest employees..



Isa is a feminist, bisexual, and polyamorous posh girl, she passionately defends her life. When Guillem proposes to be a monogamous couple, Isa is not sure if he wants to change her life and, given her lack of decision, Guillem decides to break the relationship. Living in a world of appearances and comforts, her contradictions come to light and her universe is crumbling at the blow of likes and moral judgments in this web that social networks have become..

Fist of Unicorn

Fist of Unicorn

Unicorn travels to a village troubled by gangsters in search of revenge for the murder of his parents years before. The task is made more complicated when he befriends a middle-aged woman and her son who begin to admire and depend on him..

Unicorn Store

Unicorn Store

Après avoir échoué dans ses études d'art et accepté un banal travail de bureau, une peintre pleine d'imagination va peut-être réaliser son rêve : adopter une licorne..

Bayala : La Magie des dragons

Bayala : La Magie des dragons

Quand la jeune Marween découvre un œuf de dragon, les elfes du royaume de Bayala lui révèlent qu'à sa naissance, le bébé dragon doit voir ses parents pour ne pas perdre sa magie. La princesse Surah et ses compagnons, vont les accompagner dans un voyage périlleux, pour retrouver les derniers dragons. Mais Ophira, la Reine des Elfes des Ombres, veut aussi s’emparer de la magie des dragons et menace leur voyage et l’avenir de Bayala..

The Wishing Forest

The Wishing Forest

A beautiful desperate widow goes on a dangerous quest to meet a mythical wish-granting unicorn who lies deep in the cannibal-infested "Wishing Forest." Along the way, she encounters a mighty warrior and a deceptive thief, who may or may not be trustworthy. But danger lurks everywhere and they are being tracked by the deadliest cannibal of all, a bloodthirsty savage who worships a magical feral Goddess who feasts on the hearts of his victims..