

Où voir Santa Claus Netflix

KNK: Santa Claus Dari Jakarta?

KNK: Santa Claus Dari Jakarta?

Daniel is a father who loves his family but decides to move to Jakarta and leaves his wife and children with the intention that the welfare of the family will be better. However, Daniel is stuck in the habit of gambling and likes to cheat to make a profit in order to live in Jakarta, besides working as a Santa Klaus clown in a mall during the Christmas season, his life is always disturbed by debt collectors day and night, moreover he has a very large gambling debt to him. one of the most violent mafia families in Jakarta..

RiffTrax Live: Santa Claus

RiffTrax Live: Santa Claus

From the strange and ridiculously colorful world of K. Gordon Murray comes the 1959 Holiday classic Santa Claus. Made in Mexico and dubbed into glorious English, Santa Claus tells the story of, well, Santa Claus, who lives in a big white castle above us in Geosynchronous Orbit and watches over us all in a way that would make the NSA jealous. It’s Christmas Eve, and on Earth poor little Lupita wishes for a doll. Santa hears her wish and prepares for his yearly visit, helped by the heavily medicated Merlin the Wizard and Santa’s unintentionally creepy mechanical reindeer..

Santa Claus: Serial Rapist

Santa Claus: Serial Rapist

A woman who is researching alien abductions for a book receives increasing reports of nocturnal attackers who are described as resembling Santa Claus. She enlists the aid of a scholar of mythology to see if the legend of Santa has a darker side, and what she discovers is more horrifying than she could never have expected..

Cinematic Titanic: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

Cinematic Titanic: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

The children of Mars are in a funk, and nothing on the red planet seems to be able to cheer them up. Martian King Kimar comes up with the only reasonable solution: kidnap Santa Claus from Earth's North Pole and bring him to their planet to make toys for their joyless, listless little green kids. Meanwhile, two Earth children get wise to the plan and are abducted along with Santa to prevent them from talking to the authorities. Luckily for them, Dropo, the Jerry Lewis of the fourth planet from the sun, is there to help them. The fiendish plot doesn't go according to plan, and there's plenty of intrigue, double-crossing, mistaken identity and stock footage for kids of all ages and planets to enjoy. Poorly conceived, sloppily made, and unfailingly bizarre, "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" is the ultimate Christmas movie-riffing classic (as fans of MST3K know) which is why Cinematic Titanic chose to revisit, re-riff, and release this holiday hamfest with all new jokes. Merry Crap-mas!.

Santa Claus' First Christmas

Santa Claus' First Christmas

It's from here that a journey started that has brought a lot of joy and happiness to the world. Times were hard for the old toymaker Samuel Claus. This is the story of how that toymaker became Santa Claus and his first Christmas..

Joe Santa Claus

Joe Santa Claus

Disgusted that he's been moved from the hardware department to duties as a department store Santa Claus and angry that his wife wants to go to work and earn money, young father Joe Peters deserts his family. While in his Santa role, Joe chances to meet his daughter and discovers what she really wants for Christmas..

J'ai rencontré le Père Noël

J'ai rencontré le Père Noël

Simon, jeune garçon, vit a Paris avec sa grand-mère. Ses parents ont été enlevés par des rebelles d'un pays Africain. A l'approche de Noël, son unique souhait est de retrouver ses parents vivants. Simon et son amie Elodie se rendent en Laponie ou réside le Père Noël. La fée Marie-Ange va aider Simon a se rendre en Afrique..

Le Messager de l'espoir

Le Messager de l'espoir

New York, au début du siècle. En ce soir de Noël, toutes les vitrines sont illuminées tandis que les passants terminent leurs courses et se pressent de rentrer chez eux pour fêter le réveillon en famille. Au coeur de la ville, un homme, James O'Hanlon, regarde toute cette agitation le coeur serré et rumine de sombres pensées. A cause d'un contremaître raciste, il a perdu son travail de docker, quelques semaines plus tôt, et ne parvient plus à trouver un emploi. Ayant à peine de quoi survivre, il n'a pu offrir de cadeaux à ses trois enfants qui attendent impatiemment l'arrivée du père Noël..