

Où voir Roméo Juliette Netflix

Corto Maltese

Corto Maltese

Elégant, généreux, audacieux, le légendaire Corto Maltese parcourt le monde au gré de son humeur et des incroyables aventures qui ne manquent pas de se présenter à lui. Ami des faibles et des opprimés, plein d’humour et de courage, c’est un homme d’action et de conviction..

Romeo, Juliet and Darkness

Romeo, Juliet and Darkness

Pavel, a young student living in Prague in 1942, hides a Jewish girl in his apartment building's attic. Amidst the brutality of the occupying German army, love blossoms between the two. He is her only link to the outside world. Then the two are discovered by Pavel's mother, who forces the residents of the apartment building to decide whether Hana can remain..

Romeo & Juliet: Sealed with a Kiss

Romeo & Juliet: Sealed with a Kiss

A fully animated feature fantasy about two star crossed seals from warring families that fall in love against their parents' wishes. When Juliet's father gives her hand in marriage to the monstrous elephant seal Prince, Juliet must fake her death in order to be reunited with Romeo. But the plan goes afoul and it's a desperate race to the end. With the help of their friends Friar Lawrence and Kissy, the kissing fish, the day is saved and the young lovers are reunited. Romeo & Juliet: Sealed With a Kiss is the ageless tale of love and prejudice set in an undersea world. A film that can be enjoyed by the whole family..

Bromo et Juliette

Bromo et Juliette

Un jeune homme met sur la pièce «Roméo et Juliette», comme une collecte de fonds, mais doit garder un œil sur son père, qui a eu plusieurs verres de trop, et un chauffeur de taxi embêtants qui est déterminé à récupérer son prix..