

Initiation voirfilms

The Brotherhood VI: Initiation

The Brotherhood VI: Initiation

When a group of sexy, young pledges arrive at a secluded cabin for their initiation into the Gamma Kappa fraternity, they're met by a blood-thirsty lumberjack, who won't stop until every one of them is dead..

Initiation Love

Initiation Love

Set in Shizuoka and Tokyo, Japan in the late 1980's. Takkun is a university student in Shizuoka attempting to find a job. Mayu is a dental hygienist. They meet through a blind date and begin to date, but Takkun finds a job in Tokyo and goes there. They begin a long distance relationship, but their relationship breaks down..

Villain Initialization

Villain Initialization

After 35 years as a villain, Ling Chen "initialized" his reset-rebirth to 17 years old during his final conflict with Ye Muxue! What? Do you believe he longs to revert to humanity? Speak less! Naturally, since Ye Mu wasn't superpowered at the moment, it was time to murder him!.

An Initiation

An Initiation "Kut" for a Korean Shaman

In Korea, when things go wrong in the household, the housewife may consult a shaman to determine if the problem is caused by an angry god or ancestor. The occupation of shaman is female dominated and holds a dual reputation in contemporary Korean society. In one respect, shamans are considered lewd women who promote superstition; in another, they are seen as keeping alive the religious ideals of the past. The film follows one woman's trials from when she felt destined to be a shaman through her two-day initiation ceremony. The emotional impact of the ceremony, which is apparent throughout, reaches a climax during the ritual of the 'knife riding general' in which the initiate stands barefoot on knife blades in order to receive the spirits and speak in their voices..

Initiation Night

Initiation Night

When college freshman Thomas and his two friends Mike and Jeremy pledge to a fraternity, they are forced to do a series of challenges in order to be initiated. All is well until they come to the final challenge, and see that the fraternity is much more sinister than the boys had thought..



Un voyage - édifiant - au cœur de la formation des futures « élites » économiques. ​ Dans un hôtel de la banlieue parisienne, les élèves d’une classe préparatoire sont rassemblés pour préparer l’épreuve décisive des concours d’entrée en école de commerce : “l’entretien de personnalité”. Trois jours durant, ils apprennent à se mettre en scène et à adapter leur discours aux attentes du jury, alternant cours magistraux et simulations d’entretiens. Pour leurs formateurs, ce séminaire représente bien plus qu’un entraînement à un examen : c’est une préparation “à la réalité de la vie”..

La Méthode Pilates - Initiation - Vol. 1 : Exercices fondamentaux

La Méthode Pilates - Initiation - Vol. 1 : Exercices fondamentaux

Vos professeurs, Nathalie et Walid vous emmèneront dans ce volume "Initiation" en vous proposant dans une première séance de 40 minutes, un cours complet que vous suivrez pas à pas en leur compagnie. L'initiation à cette méthode est fondamentale pour comprendre ce que sont la respiration et le positionnement du corps, afin de rendre efficace chaque exercice de la méthode Pilates..

Heaven's Gate Initiation Tape

Heaven's Gate Initiation Tape

The initiation tape where cult leader talks to the camera. It was made in 1997 5 days before the suicides, trying to convince members to commit suicide in order to join a spaceship behind the comet, driven by his father, God/Te..



Quatre jeunes filles aspirent à l'amour mais chacune le trouve à sa façon. «La supériorité de L'Initiation sur Valérie réside dans le caractère des protagonistes. Nadine, Victoire, Christine et Judith se déshabillent parce qu'elles sont des femmes, ni prostituées, ni épouses. L'approbation ou la désapprobation de la société ne leur dictent nulle part leur conduite. Chacune demeure fidèle à son propre idéal..