

Incident voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

El incidente

El incidente

In a small and quiet town in the mountains, a terrible storm breaks. After the downpour, some of the inhabitants begin to exhibit unusual behaviour. Something has changed in them: Nacho, hostel owner Tania's husband, wakes up from a coma after two years; María, a teacher, gets pregnant without ever having sex; Ramón, an old man with Alzheimer’s, begins to show signs of recovery..

Critical Incident

Critical Incident

With attacks on emergency service workers on the rise, this series uses bodycam and CCTV footage to tell the stories of brave 999ers assaulted in the line of duty..



An incident that occurred during the recording of a skit takes things in an unexpected direction... Is this a comedy or a drama? Is it a drama? A documentary? Comedy lawlessness is here!.

616: Paranormal Incident

616: Paranormal Incident

When Special Agent Watts and his Investigation Unit are called to the derelict Woodburrow Prison he thinks it's business as usual. But there's nothing usual about Woodburrow. A mysterious woman is found attempting to flee the scene and things begin to spiral out of control as an evil force picks the team off one by one. Soon Agent Watts is left alone to face what might be the world's most powerful evil... The Devil..

Nuclear Rescue 911: Broken Arrows & Incidents

Nuclear Rescue 911: Broken Arrows & Incidents

Since 1950, there have been 32 nuclear weapon accidents, known as "Broken Arrows." A Broken Arrow is defined as an unexpected event involving nuclear weapons that result in the accidental launching, firing, detonating, theft or loss of the weapon. To date, six nuclear weapons have been lost and never recovered.Now, recently declassified documents reveal the history and secrecy surrounding the events known as "Broken Arrows". There have been 32 nuclear weapon accidents since 1950. Six of these nuclear weapons have been lost and never recovered. What does this say about our defense system? What does this mean to our threatened environment? What do we do to rectify these monumental "mistakes"? Using spectacular special effects, newly uncovered and recently declassified footage, filmmaker Peter Kuran explores the accidents, incidents and exercises in the secret world of nuclear weapons..

La nuit des extraterrestres

La nuit des extraterrestres

En 1962, Betty et Barney Hill, un couple mixte, souffrent de troubles psychologiques et de cauchemars après un étrange incident survenu au retour d'un voyage au Canada. Ils consultent finalement le docteur Simon qui, sous hypnose, leur fait revivre leur enlèvement par des extraterrestres..

The Incident

The Incident

The Incident, a short film shot on vivo X60 Pro and directed by Golden Horse Award, Chong Keat Aun, wishes to bring hope and heartwarming moments for anyone who’s going through a hard time in this pandemic. The short film talks about a single mother who works hard to support her family by continuing her late husband’s food delivery work. Life was difficult but bearable as the love she has for her son is strong. The film takes a turn when she has an accident on her way home to her son....

The Incident Is Happening Around It

The Incident Is Happening Around It

Although there are many criminal articles, this drama does not solve any cases. Instead, a 15-minute comedy drama that focuses on the detectives' troubles and "small cases" that occur around the incident. Fuka Koshiba plays Ichika Mano, a detective who wants to do everything on her own and is not good at relying on others. Mano's buddy is Kazuto Udagawa (played by Masashi Kasamatsu). He is the exact opposite of Mano, rational and efficient, and has no hesitation in asking people for favors. A comedy drama with a new sensation, in which a pair of young detectives with such contradictory personalities unfolds while sometimes involving the people around them..

Un homme charmant

Un homme charmant

Quelques semaines après l’accident qui a coûté la vie à son frère et à son mari, Luisa revient peu à peu à la réalité. Un soir, elle fait la connaissance d’Ernesto, qui tombe aussitôt amoureux d’elle. Soucieuse d’offrir un cadre de vie sécurisant à ses deux petites filles, mais encore en plein deuil, Luisa ne sait comment gérer les avances de cet homme à la fois troublant et séduisant. Mais Ernesto est un homme pressé. Il est prêt à s’engager. Il parle déjà d’avenir. D'abord prévenant, il devient vite insistant, envahissant, étouffant. Dans le Buenos Aires des années 60, il n’est pas facile pour une femme de prendre le temps d’aimer à nouveau..

Sans foi ni loi

Sans foi ni loi

A la fin de la Guerre de Sécession, une importante cargaison est dérobée et cachée en plein désert. Un seul homme sait où l'or est enterré : l'armée charge le capitaine Mat Martin de l'arrêter et de ramener l'or. Martin, son prisonnier et une poignée d'hommes pénètrent en territoire indien, à la recherche de la précieuse cargaison. Apaches, tempêtes, hors-la-loi : le petit groupe va devoir affronter de nombreux dangers....

The Incident

The Incident

Laura is a scientist who carries out illegal experiments in a secret laboratory. One of these experiments doesn't go as planned and she and others acquire special powers. One of this people is Barnabas, a highly wanted criminal who is momentarily in prison. Meanwhile, the New York Government makes a decision on what to do with the new meta-humans in order to end the new threat that is the powers of the criminals..

The Borneo Incident

The Borneo Incident

Five young fun loving travelers are documenting their travels from New York to Malaysia on the journey of a lifetime exploring many of the wonderful sights and sounds of Malaysia. The purpose of the trip is to discover their friends familial roots from the Iban tribe in Borneo and have the adventure of a lifetime. Only to discover the tribe has crossed the border into the unfamiliar territory of Indonesian tribes..

Incidents in the Laboratory

Incidents in the Laboratory

Essay Film consisting of 5 video-poems where the first months of the social revolt unleashed in Chile since October 2019 are reflected. Family archives, television fragments and the record of the demonstrations narrate the different fragments that existed during the so-called Chilean social outbreak..

TV5 Monde Analyse d'incident

TV5 Monde Analyse d'incident

Tiré du Symposium sur la sécurité des technologies de l'information et des communications. Conférence francophone sur le thème de la sécurité de l'information. Elle a eu lieu à Rennes du 7 au 9 juin 2017..

Incident Reports

Incident Reports

After a purported bike accident, the nameless amnesiac undertakes audio-visual therapy by producing a series of one-minute shots through the streets of Toronto. The result is an episodic love letter set against the city's intimacies and haunts, populated by old and new acquaintances, while the disembodied voiceover weighs in on gender, animal, and the end of literary culture. Beginning from the position of the body in fugue, Incident Reports traces the most intimate of daily life changes through chronicling a back beat of the city's endless transformation..