

Imperfect voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Living with Imperfection

Living with Imperfection

In his Boston basement apartment, which seems to come straight out of an old film noir, the great American pianist Ran Blake lives alone and endlessly fine-tunes his indefinable sound. For over 70 years, he has been driven by his obsession with cinema, which, in turn, has galvanized his music, creating a unique conversation between these two arts..

Mossad - des agents israéliens parlent

Mossad - des agents israéliens parlent

Quelques années après l'Holocauste, la capture du criminel de guerre nazi Adolf Eichmann cimente le mythe entourant le Mossad, l'agence de renseignement d'Israël. Les agents du Mossad sont perçus comme dépourvus de sens moral et prêts à tout, même à recruter un ex-commandant nazi, pour éliminer l'ennemi. Des décennies plus tard, le Mossad est devenu une puissante organisation. Pour la première fois depuis sa fondation, une douzaine de ses formateurs d'espions se confient en entrevue..

Present Imperfect

Present Imperfect

When we embrace flaws and mistakes, we create even more beauty. That’s what woodturner Bill Karow believes, and what drives him in his craft: to reshape people’s opinions about things they perceive as worthless, and to find joy in that pursuit..

Imperfect Solace

Imperfect Solace

A woman uses drugs and alcohol to help her cope with her ailing personal and work relationships. After the death of her father due to drug and alcohol abuse, she struggles not to follow him down a similar path..

Curt Schilling's Imperfect Game

Curt Schilling's Imperfect Game

Even when he was throwing strikes for the Red Sox, Curt Schilling was not like other baseball players. He would spend late nights buried in the computer screen, dreaming of building the greatest multiplayer game empire to rival World of Warcraft. When he retired, he took some of his own money and lots of others, including 75 million from the state of Rhode Island, to try and realize his dream. Instead, his company, 38 Studios, ran through millions with little to show for it, ultimately collapsing into a mountain of debt. Through animation and interviews, the film tells us what happens when the aura of a legend overwhelms good sense. Game over..

Imperfect Love

Imperfect Love

The film takes us into the dreaming head of Ana. In the dream, she meets Julio, 10 years after their separation and one day before his move to Norway. An invitation from Julio takes then on a nostalgic journey through the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, visiting hidden and well-known places they used to enjoy years before. Places that once nurtured their love and will now help its rebirth. But who says we have to accept what destiny presents to us? After all, as an old American proverb says: Dreams are wishes your heart makes..

Past Present Future Imperfect

Past Present Future Imperfect

Nathan has been away travelling for nine months after university. He returns home to his white middle class family in the depths of Devon with his new girlfriend. What they don't realise is that she is black.

Magical Imperfection

Magical Imperfection

'Magical Imperfection' tells the inspirational story of world-renowned Canadian architect Raymond Moriyama. Imprisoned in his own country during the 1940s because of his race, Ray found the strength to combat injustice by devoting his career to social justice and equality..

Imperfectly Complete

Imperfectly Complete

Lucy, a Burmese American transgender woman, struggles whether to reveal the truth of herself when the blind guitarist she admires and takes care of him as he is about to regain his vision..

Imperfect Journey

Imperfect Journey

Haile Gerima and Ryszard Kapuscinski travel around Ethiopia talking to people about their current situations and what needs to be done for a prosperous country..

Moon Jar: the Art of Imperfection

Moon Jar: the Art of Imperfection

Embraced the Modernist principles of simplicity, truth to materials, form following function and the idea that less is more. The Moon Jar finally reveals its appearance after 18 century by a hand of ceramist Yang Gu and tells us a great lesson to our life..

The Imperfect Invisible

The Imperfect Invisible

A heartwarming story of a father who hides his son from the outside world for fear of their invisible secret, the son yearns for excitement after seeing boys his age having fun outside. His curiosity and determination grows before he finally uses his courage and steps outside....