

Idiot voirfilms

American Loser

American Loser

A dramatic comedy about a self-induced attention-deficit disordered, learning disabled, Tourette's syndrome suffering, balance impaired, ex-alcoholic young man from the Upper East Side of Manhattan and the gold-digging girl who inspires him to try to get it together..

Une ravissante idiote

Une ravissante idiote

Désireux de se venger, Harry Campton, un employé de banque d'origine russe qui vient de se faire licencier, décide de devenir un espion au service des Soviétiques. Il a alors pour mission de récupérer un important dossier aux mains d'un membre de l'amirauté, Sir Reginald Dumfrey. Le timide et maladroit Harry découvre bientôt que Penelope, la jolie blonde pour laquelle il est depuis longtemps transie d'amour, travaille comme couturière chez la femme de Dumfrey....

The Idiot Weekly, Price 2d

The Idiot Weekly, Price 2d

The Idiot Weekly, Price 2d was the first serious attempt to translate the humour of The Goon Show to television. It was made by Associated-Rediffusion during 1956 and was broadcast only in the London area. It combined elements of a sitcom and sketch comedy with Peter Sellers as the editor of a tatty Victorian newspaper, The Idiot Weekly. The headlines of the paper were used as links to comedy sketches. Although written mainly by Spike Milligan, there were many contributions from members of the writers' co-operative Associated London Scripts, including Dave Freeman and Terry Nation, with Eric Sykes credited as the script editor. The series was produced and directed by Richard Lester. It was followed by A Show Called Fred and Son of Fred. The title was revived by Spike Milligan for the Australian radio series The Idiot Weekly..



Nastassia Philippovna se retrouve à jongler les affections de quatre hommes au cours d'une seule soirée. L'un est son bienfaiteur, le Totsky bourgeois. Un autre est l'opportuniste Ganya, à qui Totsky a promis 75 000 roubles s'il épouserait Nastassia. Rogozhin offre à Nastassia 100 000 roubles pour sa main. Et l'« idiot », le prince Myshkin, aime follement Nastassia et jure de la « sauver »..

Les deux idiots de Mexicali

Les deux idiots de Mexicali

Une paire de chats mexicains pas trop brillants, un plus colérique que l'autre, décident de poursuivre Speedy Gonzales, la souris la plus rapide dans tout le Mexique. Et quand leurs plans - impliquant l'utilisation de guitares, d'une canne à pêche, de la dynamite et des mines terrestres - tous se retournent contre eux, ils décident de tenter la capture Slowpoke Rodriguez, la plus lente souris du Mexique. Mais le chat colérique apprend trop tard que Slowpoke possède un pistolet..

The Idiot

The Idiot

Cille is pregnant and Tobias has discovered that his vocation in life is to become an actor; One that can entertain and bring joy to people around him. But the optimism of the young couple is challenged by an outside world that constantly seems to keep them from living their common dreams..

The Idiot

The Idiot

The Idiot is a costume drama TV series produced by Russia TV Channel in 2003, based on Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel of the same title. The series' script is very close to Dostoevsky's original text, and the series features well-known Russian actors..



1870. Le Prince Mitchkine, qu'on dit atteint d'une douce folie, rentre à Saint-Pétersbourg, après cinq années passées en Suisse, à l'annonce de réformes sociales importantes. Sa loyauté et sa bonté se heurtent à un monde corrompu qui entend poursuivre ses anciens errements. Il cherche à faire des heureux sans succès, dit la vérité à tous et, devant l'incompréhension générale, devient réellement fou..

How I Was Systematically Destroyed by Idiots

How I Was Systematically Destroyed by Idiots

The film follows a life of a homeless, but very well read, Marxist who is coping with Che's death and wishes to live a life of revolutions and workers' uprisings. He is a hypochondriac, bitter at the world, and blaming his old capitalist boss for his life's misery..

My Idiotic Heart

My Idiotic Heart

Ida becomes pregnant with her boyfriend, but realizes that she does not want the child. The fear that her lover will leave her if she shares her true feelings makes her have an abortion in secret and makes him believe that it was a miscarriage..

The Idiots Who Started The Party

The Idiots Who Started The Party

Danish film has never felt stronger on the international stage than it did with the Dogme films, which at the world premiere of 'The Party' and 'The Idiots' during the Cannes Film Festival in 1998 put Denmark on the film world map. Another eight films under the strict Dogme rules followed and created great international careers for several of the talents in front of and behind the handheld camera. Thomas Vinterberg, Søren Kragh-Jacobsen, Paprika Steen, Ulrich Thomsen, Trine Dyrholm, Iben Hjejle, Anders W. Berthelsen, Lone Scherfig, Sonja Richter and many more of the country's greatest filmmakers look back on when Denmark became Dogme..

Dealin' with Idiots

Dealin' with Idiots

Faced with the absurd competitiveness surrounding his son's youth league baseball team, Max Morris, a famous comedian, decides to get to know the colorful parents and coaches of the team better in an attempt to find the inspiration for his next movie..

Broadway Idiot

Broadway Idiot

Broadway Idiot follows Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong from a punk rock concert at Madison Square Garden to the opening of his musical American Idiot on Broadway - only ten blocks away, but worlds apart. From behind the curtain share in the crazy journey of turning the mega-hit album into a punk rock musical - and ultimately see how the world of theater transformed Billie Joe..