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Shirley Maclaine: Kicking Up Her Heels

Shirley Maclaine: Kicking Up Her Heels

Shirley MacLaine was the product of a strict middle-class background from which she and her brother, the future actor Warren Beatty, escaped into the fantasy world of show-biz. Her ballet training and her long-legged pixie charm led to rapid success on Broadway in musical comedy. Inevitably, Hollywood called and by 1955 Shirley was cast in Hitchcock's "The Trouble With Harry." It wasn't too long before the fine dramatic roles also came to her opposite the most popular leading men of the time, like Fred MacMurray, Jack Lemmon, Frank Sinatra, Clint Eastwood and Robert Mitchum..

Mou du nougat

Mou du nougat

Pour prouver qu'il est brave, l'indien Big Heel-Watha décide de capturer un écureuil mais il ne sait pas à quoi ressemble cet animal. Screwy, l'écureuil, est la première personne qu'il croise..