

Evidence sokroflix gratuit

Mermaids: The New Evidence

Mermaids: The New Evidence

This follow-up broadcast brings to light new evidence that's surfaced since the release of The Body Found; videos of possible mermaids in the Mediterranean, off the coast of Great Britain and in the deep ocean. One piece of evidence alludes that P.T. Barnum had acquired an authentic living mermaid (different from his Fiji mermaid) but was unable to showcase it to the world. The last video is that of Danish marine geologists who videoed the creatures off the Greenland sea in March 2013. In response to this video Greenland halts all oil drilling in their territories..

Titanic, la vérité dévoilée

Titanic, la vérité dévoilée

Le 15 avril 1912, après avoir heurté un iceberg, le Titanic sombre dans les eaux glacées de l'Atlantique nord. Le bilan humain est l'un des plus lourds de l'histoire maritime. Le choc entre l'iceberg et le transatlantique a longtemps été considéré comme la seule raison de la catastrophe. Aujourd'hui, à la lumière de nouveaux indices, cette hypothèse est remise en cause. L'enquête officielle, menée l'année même du drame, a-t-elle été au fond des choses ? Senan Molony, journaliste irlandais, qui enquête depuis près de trente ans, est persuadé depuis longtemps que la véritable raison du naufrage reste à découvrir..

JFK - La preuve irréfutable

JFK - La preuve irréfutable

Le 22 novembre 1963, le Président des États-Unis d'Amérique John Fitzgerald Kennedy et son épouse, Jackie, font escale à Dallas. Alors que leur convoi traverse la ville, des coups de feu retentissent. Le président est tué. Son meurtrier présumé, Lee Harvey Oswald, est arrêté dans les heures qui suivent, avant d'être à son tour assassiné deux jours plus tard. Voilà pour la version officielle. Commence alors une vague de rumeurs et de théories diverses qui font de l'assassinat de John F. Kennedy l'un des mystères les plus controversés su XXe siècle. Dans ce documentaire, Colin McLaren, enquêteur chevronné de la police australienne, se penche sur l'affaire.

I Am Evidence

I Am Evidence

The modern criminal justice system is hindered by the fact that countless rape kits remain untested in police evidence storage facilities across the United States. Only eight states currently have laws requiring mandatory testing of rape kits..

The Lost Evidence

The Lost Evidence

The Lost Evidence is a television program on The History Channel which uses three-dimensional landscapes, reconnaissance photos, eyewitness testimony and documents to reevaluate and recreate key battles of World War II..

Evidence of Innocence

Evidence of Innocence

In response to the national headlines regarding the racial injustice in America's justice system, instead of focusing on the negative aspects, this show tells the story of how the wrongly accused maintained their faith while waiting on the opportunity to prove their innocence..

Billy The Kid: New Evidence

Billy The Kid: New Evidence

In a California memorabilia shop in 2010, collector Randy Guijarro bought a tintype that looked to be a familiar figure, Billy the Kid - playing croquet with his gang known as The Regulators. As the gravity of the discovery began to set in, Guijarro initiated a chain of events that would lead him on a painstaking journey to verify the photograph's authenticity..

La preuve manquante

La preuve manquante

Les histoires les plus extraordinaires cachent toujours un fond de vérité, mais le temps finit inévitablement par déformer les faits. Et si des enquêteurs d’aujourd’hui se penchaient sur des mystères d’hier, en trouveraient-ils la clé?  - La mort de Marilyn - 11 septembre 2001 Explosions secrètes dans les tours - Jack l'Éventreur - Le monstre du Lock Ness - Le triangle du Nevada - Bigfoot.

Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus

Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus

A debate rages over the credibility of the Bible. Most archaeologists today have concluded that there's no evidence that the Exodus of Israelite slaves from Egypt ever happened. Filmmaker Timothy Mahoney faces a crisis of faith: "Is this foundation event of the Bible really just a myth?" He embarks on a 12-year journey around the world to search for answers. Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus unlocks the mystery of this ancient saga, combining a scientific investigation with a retelling of the Exodus story to reveal an amazing pattern of evidence matching the biblical account that may challenge our understanding of history. It features stunning animations, narration by Kevin Sorbo (God's not dead, Hercules: The Legendary Journey), interviews with leading archaeologists such as Israel Finkelstein, Kent Weeks, and David Rohl, and guest appearances by Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu and Shimon Peres..

Pearl Harbor: The New Evidence

Pearl Harbor: The New Evidence

Even seventy-five years on from the attack on Pearl Harbor, questions remained about how the world’s most powerful nation was caught by surprise. This Secret History documentary from 2016 reveals new insight into what Washington knew before the attack, and whether Churchill and Roosevelt conspired to allow it to happen. Within the space of two hours, the devastating assault by Japanese forces left nearly 2500 people dead and 19 ships destroyed or damaged. An investigation ordered by President Roosevelt found Admiral Husband Kimmel, Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet, guilty of dereliction of duty. With his career in ruins, Kimmel became a broken man. But was he really to blame? Now, new research reveals what Washington knew prior to the attack and uncovers a crucial dossier that could have prevented it..

Behind the Evidence

Behind the Evidence

Norman Foster plays a millionaire who takes a job as a reporter after he's wiped out in the Stock Market. Foster's managing editor Samuel S. Hinds considers the young upstart to be a pain in the neck. But all is forgiven-at least until next time-when Foster solves a series of puzzling robberies...

Burnt Evidence

Burnt Evidence

Duncan Lamont plays Jane Hylton's jealous husband. In a confrontation, Lamont accidentally shoots Hylton's lover. Convinced that he's a murderer, he heads for the hills as a police hunt begins... Classic British thriller from the creator of Dixon Of Dock Green..