

Drowned voirfilms

I Am The Drowning Sea

I Am The Drowning Sea

I am the drowning sea. Waxing, waning, vanishing, surrendering, yearning, drunk, helpless against your indifference, with no way out. You are the shore that never saves. I will wait for you to turn into a wave. And we will waltz. Drown together..

Libye : retour en enfer - Quand l'Europe ferme ses portes

Libye : retour en enfer - Quand l'Europe ferme ses portes

Alors qu'en 2017, l'Union européenne a décidé de transférer à la Libye la responsabilité des sauvetages dans ses eaux territoriales, en dépit des maintes preuves des traitements inhumains subis par les migrants dans le pays, l'action des bateaux humanitaires est aussi de plus en plus entravée par les Etats, dont l'Italie..

Save the Drowning Man

Save the Drowning Man

The film tells about the pioneer Andrew and his friend. They imitate the accident in front of foreign tourists on the water. The young correspondent Egor noticed this, and as a result, the portraits of the pioneer hang wherever possible, he receives an invitation to the radio, people shot a movie about him. And now, when friends wanted to retreat, they began to realize that it would not be as easy as it seems....



Aura, a remote accountant with a monotonous routine, has her usual life interrupted one night due to an unexpected and unfamiliar leak. While trying to survive in her surroundings, Aura discovers that in the water exists a comforting escape from her mundane life, but at the same time, it condemns her..

Drowning in Holy Water

Drowning in Holy Water

Rona and Hamed are two young Afghans who are in love with each other. Searching for a better life, they have decided to immigrate to Europe but they have to make a big decision to make it happen, a decision that relates to their religion and beliefs..

A Muse Never Drowns

A Muse Never Drowns

A member of the high school art club called Sakuko falls into the sea while sketching a boat. Witnessing the incident, Saibara creates a painting titled "Drowning Sakuko" and wins an award at a contest, leading the painting to be displayed at school. Moreover, Saibara takes the liberty of announcing that she will paint Sakuko for her next piece during a newspaper interview. Frustrated by the situation, Sakuko gives up on her artistic path and attempts to create a new work with the motif of a "boat" in her home, which is scheduled for demolition..

Waiting to Drown

Waiting to Drown

In our daydreams, we always dream about who we can be and what we can do. Chak is always living between his dream state – where he is admired and can get any girl he wants – and the reality – where he is constantly teased by his sexually frustrated, foul-mouthed friends. One day, Chak's dream becomes reality when he finds the acceptance of a girl he likes, but cruel reality eventually stops him once more. Instead of running away, Chak must face the real world head-on this time around..

Ici on noie les Algériens

Ici on noie les Algériens

A l’appel du Front de Libération Nationale (F.L.N.), des milliers d’Algériens venus de Paris et de toute la région parisienne, défilent, le 17 octobre 1961, contre le couvre-feu qui leur est imposé. Cette manifestation pacifique sera très sévèrement réprimée par les forces de l’ordre. 50 ans après, la cinéaste met en lumière une vérité encore taboue. Mêlant témoignages et archives inédites, histoire et mémoire, passé et présent, le film retrace les différentes étapes de ces événements, et révèle la stratégie et les méthodes mise en place au plus haut niveau de l’Etat : manipulation de l’opinion publique, récusation systématique de toutes les accusations, verrouillage de l’information afin d’empêcher les enquêtes….

Drown Among the Dead

Drown Among the Dead

An elderly comedian is buried up to his neck in the Mexican desert. A bitter young woman threatens to pulp his head with a nail bat; the only thing that can stall her are his stories of a mythical threshold behind which lies the absolute truth. Is she in his dream or he in hers? Or were they once the Bonnie-and-Clyde-like couple we keep seeing, exacting their revenge on the world?.

Those Who Do Not Drown

Those Who Do Not Drown

In an empty hospital in Kolkata, India, a man faces protocols of blood, a subtly discriminatory office, and a vacant operating theater. His mind is on a loop of the last months of his wife’s life, when a quiet argument developed. When is the end of pharma-medical care, whose life is it anyway?.

Drowning People

Drowning People

Chae-eun, who came back to her hometown after a long time, meets Ha-young, her high school classmate who was working in her mother's vinyl greenhouse. Yet, as Ha-young avoids Chae-eun, Chae-eun recalls memories of the past..

A Drowning Man

A Drowning Man

Tokio finds his wife Kumiko drowned in the bathtub one night. He lifts the telephone handset to call an ambulance but hesitates. Instead, he takes a cup of coffee before empting the bathtub and carrying Kumiko to the couch. When he wakes up after a nigh of heavy drinking, he finds himself in bed. Kumiko enters the room and asks how he is..

Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire

Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire

In the current era, a small percentage of people called "Special Abilities" have skills and powers normal humans do not possess. An autonomous organization, the Deviant Control Office, keeps these Special Abilities in check. Though some wish to maintain this order and peace, some wish to take advantage of their abilities and obtain more power in this world..

Help! The Doctor Is Drowning

Help! The Doctor Is Drowning

Small-town doctor Angelino falls in love at first sight with schoolteacher Irene. Bram the Builder is in love with gypsy girl Katja. Neither of the two men know how to convey their feelings to the objects of their affection..