

Comment trouver Pulse gratuit

Pulsions Dangereuses

Pulsions Dangereuses

Le spectateur suit le périple de Joseph, avocat gay mais timide. Pour ses vacances, il décide de passer quelques jours à Fire Island pour goûter aux plaisirs charnels que l’île peut lui offrir. Là-bas, il est témoin d’un meurtre après avoir été drogué. Un inconnu l’aide alors à se mettre en sécurité, mais Joseph va bientôt découvrir qu’il est toujours en danger... Jaky Bradley nous plonge dans un thriller sombre, captivant et haletant, où seul la romance apportera sa lumière. Savamment macabre !.

STOMP : Odyssée des Rythmes du Monde

STOMP : Odyssée des Rythmes du Monde

Deux des créateurs du spectacle Stomp partent à la recherche des racines du rythme et à la rencontre de percussionnistes de cultures différentes à travers le monde entier. En Inde, au Brésil, au Japon, en Afrique, en Espagne, en Angleterre et aux Etats-Unis, ils découvrent des musiciens exceptionnels qui s'expriment en tapant sur des tambours, des tam-tam, des caisses à savon, des boîtes, des bassines ou encore des tambourins .Pour information, on retrouve dans ce film rythmé : Les Percussions de Guinée, Timbalada, Eva Yerbabuena, Kodo du Japon, pour ne citer qu'eux..

Fatal Pulse

Fatal Pulse

Follows the exploits of husband/wife moguls trapped with a deadbeat couch potato brother in a hallucinogenic 1-900 world of 1991. Everyone is plotting to kill everyone else, including themselves, and ultimately do. Inspired by the corporate take-over era of the late 80s/early 90s and all the dark, atmospheric, neo-noir thrillers that came along with it..

Pulse Pounders

Pulse Pounders

In this 'sequel' anthology, the film offers a TRANCERS sequel written by original creators Danny Bilson and Paul DeMeo, a new Lovecraft adaptation THE EVIL CLERGYMAN, featuring Jeffrey Combs and Barbara Crampton, and finally a sequel to THE DUNGEONMASTER..

Lifeline: the Untold Story of Saving the Pulse Survivors

Lifeline: the Untold Story of Saving the Pulse Survivors

On June 12, 2016, Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida was the site of one of the deadliest mass shootings in the history of the USA. Lifeline will take you behind-the-scenes to see how the blood center and hospital raced against the clock to save the victims' lives. Hear the emotional stories from both the survivors and the blood donors themselves who unknowingly saved their lives. Hear the emotional stories from both the survivors and the blood donors themselves who unknowingly saved their lives..



Bastian, 16, is the center of 4 boys and 3 girls' friendship. The boys play in the local basketball team where Samir, Bastian's best friend, is the star of the team, as well as the dream of the girls. But the envious and self-chosen leader Erik discovers that Samir has a secret, and soon the group's friendships are put to the ultimate test when new secrets emerge..

Dreadtown: The Steel Pulse Story

Dreadtown: The Steel Pulse Story

They have raged on for forty years, cutting a swath across continents and lighting the fuse of revolutionary thought. From the pressure-cooker ghettos of England to the mighty gates of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, one band has forged an enduring legacy. This is their story..

Steel Pulse: Live Legends

Steel Pulse: Live Legends

As the name suggests Steel Pulse play their own unique brand of reggae music in a no compromises way. The film features the band at the very peak of form playing a wide selection of the material which brought them to fame in Britain and America..

Tais-toi mon cœur

Tais-toi mon cœur

A rich but hypochondriac heiress inherits a sanitarium. What she doesn't know is that it is a front for bootleggers, and a hideout for criminals on the run from the law..

Fatal Pulse

Fatal Pulse

Une fille est sauvagement violée puis tuée, d'autres crimes toujours aussi malsain vont êtres commis dans un lycée.. un seul suspect? est-ce vraiment lui?!.