

Comment trouver Istanbul gratuit

Oh, Beautiful Istanbul

Oh, Beautiful Istanbul

The lovely Ayşe moves from her country village to Istanbul in the hope of becoming an actress. One day she meets Haşmet, a grumpy, world-weary street photographer. He takes it upon himself to cure Ayşe of what he sees as her blind optimism, but some of it begins to rub off on the old cynic..

Jerk à Istanbul

Jerk à Istanbul

Vincent et Grégoire ont l'habitude de jouer ensemble au tiercé chaque dimanche. La chance finit par leur sourire. Chargé d'encaisser l'importante somme ainsi gagnée, Grégoire s'enfuit avec le pactole. Vincent se lance à sa poursuite jusqu'à Istanbul..

Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul

Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul

Award-winning director Fatih Akin takes us on a journey through Istanbul, the city that bridges Europe and Asia, and challenges familiar notions of east and west. He looks at the vibrant musical scene which includes traditional Turkish music plus rock and hip-hop..

Istanbul United

Istanbul United

The Ultra Fans of the three foremost football clubs in Istanbul, Galatasaray, Fenerbahce and Besiktas, have been known all over Europe for their unconditional support of their teams, and their mutual rivalry that often resulted in extremely violent clashes. The current protest movement in Turkey -originated to protect Gezi-park against demolition- is a movement against the ruling AK party. The ruthless dealings of the police against peaceful protesters sparked a nation-wide movement. Then something remarkable happened: fans of the competing football teams united for a common cause for the first time ever. The football ultras now fight side by side against the police and use their experience with clashes to help the protesters against tear gas and to build barricades. The name for their alliance: Istanbul United..

La route d'Istanbul

La route d'Istanbul

Élisabeth, une infirmière, a élevé seule sa fille de 18 ans, Élodie. Mère et fille vivent ensemble dans une belle maison isolée, au bord d'un lac, quelque part dans la campagne belge. Mais du jour au lendemain, la jeune fille disparaît. Élisabeth apprend par une de ses amies qu’Élodie se trouverait à Chypre, en compagnie d'un garçon en rupture de ban. Puis la police lui révèle que, convertie à l'islam sous le nom d'Oum Sana, elle a pris un billet avec son compagnon pour gagner une ville-frontière turque, probablement dans le but de rejoindre la Syrie. Quand elle parvient à établir le contact avec elle sur Skype, Élisabeth découvre sa fille coiffée d'un hijab noir. Elle décide alors d'aller la chercher, accompagnée de sa meilleure amie....

Kiran and Sara's Istanbul Delights

Kiran and Sara's Istanbul Delights

Famous chefs Kiran Jethwa and Sara La Fountain embark on a fascinating adventure to discover the delights of Istanbul, the shining star of the gastronomy world. Under the guidance of Sara, who knows the city very well, Kiran gets the opportunity to explore the cuisine and beauties of this fascinating city. Great flavors and discoveries await our chefs in each episode..

The Great Istanbul Depression

The Great Istanbul Depression

Didem and Ayse aren't able to find a job even though it has been a while since they've graduated from the university. In this time period in which these two young women step into adulthood and need to make money now - this period of time that is short for humanity, but lingering for them - the days are not much different from the previous ones. On the other hand, in order to able to stay in Istanbul, they must at least earn enough money to cover their rent, on the other hand, what they dream of, what want to do. They cannot find a way to earn money. On the edge of the metropolis, they are stuck in between the skyscrapers rising among the terrace of their home and the ruined apartment buildings..

The Invisible Man in Istanbul

The Invisible Man in Istanbul

H.G. Well’s popular creation gets a Turkish reworking in this fascinating account about a scientist who becomes the invisible man to track down his wife’s killer. Written by Vasillis ‘Bill’ Barounis.

Hassan l'orphelin de la jungle

Hassan l'orphelin de la jungle

Cet avatar turc de 1952 a beau s'appeler "Tarzan à Istanbul", le roi de la jungle n'y mettra les pieds qu'à la toute fin du film. L'abus de stock-shots a souvent de quoi faire rire mais, tout naïf que soit le spectacle, on est bien loin des délires d'un "Tarzan Korkusuz Adam"..

The Streets of Istanbul

The Streets of Istanbul

Brothers are in love with the same woman who earns her life by singing songs at night clubs and by sponging on her lovers. One of these brothers (Rahmi) works at a bank. Rahmi spends the money of bank with this singer woman and sooner or later bank authorities find out his malfeasance which brings about a debt on the family of Rahmi; other brother bursts a blood vessel about actions of Rahmi and they face off against each other at nightclub..

Istanbul Story

Istanbul Story

Katia’s unexpected journey to Istanbul traps her in a chain of adventures enacted on the front of her disrupted childhood. She discovers her mother’s secrets and faces her own inner desires and dilemmas..