

Comment trouver Infinity gratuit

Infinite Girls

Infinite Girls

Infinite Girls is a Korean variety program. The program is an all-female version of a show called Infinite Challenge. The show's consisting of 3 seasons with 6 MC's as its mascots. Apparently, this show receives its golden peak in November 2009, hence it added 2 more seasons..

Tadao Ando: From Emptiness to Infinity

Tadao Ando: From Emptiness to Infinity

From Emptiness to Infinity pays homage to one of the world's most renowned architects, Japanese minimalist master Tadao Ando (born 1941), offering an exclusive glimpse into his work process. Ando is known for his creative implementation of natural light, his deft interweaving of interior and exterior space and for designing structures that elegantly evoke the contours of the landscape in which they are set. Conceptually and aesthetically, his award-winning exposed concrete designs forge a link between traditional Japanese architecture, Zen and contemporary modernism, while also expressing his fundamental belief that "to change the dwelling is to change the city and to reform society." Directed by Mathias Frick and produced by Susann Schimk and Jörg Trentmann, the film introduces viewers to his world-famous buildings and offers an exclusive look into his work process, as Ando shares his sources of personal inspiration and motivation and looks back over his 40-year career..



Takahashi travels to Boracay in the Philippines to write a novel. After a while, the real world and the world of the novel begin to intersect.

Infinity Baby

Infinity Baby

Owing to a genetic mix-up involving stem cell research, the recently founded company Infinity Baby is able to offer a service for aspiring parents who never want to leave the baby bubble — infants that do not age..

Infinity Train

Infinity Train

In this non-canon pilot to the animated series 'Infinity Train', Tulip must learn to set her personal interests aside to make her way through a mysterious train and help the king of all corgis save his people..

The Eye 3 : L'au-delà

The Eye 3 : L'au-delà

Cinq adolescents avides de sensations fortes se portent volontaires pour participer au Rite des HUIT. Un par un, ils vont être confrontés à une incroyable expérience pleine de fantômes,, autres démons... Un par un, ils devront lutter pour ne pas succomber aux chants des esprits, revenir indemnes à la réalité. Mais l'un d'entre eux manque à l'appel... Vont-ils repartir à sa recherche dans ce monde parrallèle... ?.

Infinite Ryvius

Infinite Ryvius

An 2225. Cela fait maintenant 80 ans qu'une très forte explosion solaire a généré un champ de plasma qui avale et détruit tout vaisseau spatial s'approchant trop près de lui. L'humanité, consciente du danger, a malgré tout décidé de créer et d'entretenir des avant-postes dans l'espace aux quatre coins de notre système solaire. Sur la Terre, deux jeunes apprentis cosmonautes, Kôji et Aoi Aiba, s'apprêtent à partir pour la station spatiale Liebe Delta où se trouve un centre de formation qui leur apprendra les rudiments de la navigation... Cependant, cela va très vite se compliquer quand les aspirants cosmonautes se retrouvent seuls à la navigation, livrés à eux-mêmes. Un grand secret se cache dans leur station et ce dernier va compliquer bien des choses. Attaqués et sans possibilité de trouver asile sur une planète, commencent pour tous un long voyage sans lendemain où chacun devra s'organiser pour tenter de rentrer vivant chez soi..

Split Infinity

Split Infinity

A.J. Knowlton learns that getting what you want is not always what you need. When enterprising A.J. is transported back to the past through a sudden accident, she is forced to put her obsession to get rich on hold. As she observes the events in her family's past, A.J. slowly starts to see why relationships and happiness are more important than money. Before time runs out, A.J. must put her money interests aside so she can discover something that will change her family's future forever..

Infini-T Force

Infini-T Force

Gatchaman, leader des ninjas scientifiques, se bat avec ses quatre camarades contre l'organisation du mal Galactor, qui vise à conquérir le monde. Casshan est un soldat un peu déconnecté du monde réel, qui pour devenir un néo-humain, décide de se débarrasser de son corps afin de défendre la population de l'insurrection des robots. Polimar cache sa véritable identité dans son bureau de détective privé. Défenseur des opprimés, il rend la justice d’une main de fer, drapé dans son costume d’invincibilité, Hurricane. Tekkaman va tenter de guider l'humanité vers une autre planète. Pour cela, revêtu de son armure, ce chevalier de l’espace défie les Waldariens, ces envahisseurs venus de l'espace. Nos quatre super héros, qui se battent pour la paix, franchissent l'espace-temps et se retrouvent dans le Shibuya moderne. Leur objectif : sauver l'humanité et notamment une certaine jeune fille. Les héros légendaires reprennent du service !.

Burst Angel OVA

Burst Angel OVA

In Westland, New York, a murderer is indiscriminately killing people… A girl witnesses one of these murders, and the knife is turned on the helpless girl shaking with fear. Meg returns to this town with Joe to celebrate the "birthday" of Shirley, who used to live with Meg. Orphans, they had decided that the day they first met would be her birthday. In the past, Meg had taken care of three little children, including Shirley, just before meeting Joe. The children were then adopted by a police officer, Sam. He possessed a strong sense of justice and they are supposedly living happily together now. Meg and Joe happen to help a person and receive a reward. They buy a present for Shirley with the reward money and go to meet Sam. However, they notice him acting strangely. Upon questioning him, he explains that Shirley was assaulted by a murderer and seriously injured. Joe says to the grieving and angry Meg, "Let's exact revenge on the murderer for Shirley.".

Breaking Infinity

Breaking Infinity

Liam est un chercheur scientifique qui s'est retrouvé coincé dans le temps. Alors que ses sauts dans le temps deviennent de plus en plus extrêmes, il est guidé vers le futur par un vieil homme mystérieux où il assiste à la fin du monde qu'il a peut-être provoquée..



Follows Gaia - a brilliant girl who is determined to win the math competition and be accepted into Project X. Gaia falls in love with Ari, a genius and mysterious boy who sweeps her into investigating the organizers of the competition, and hides from her the fact that he came from the future to investigate her tragic death in an accident..