

Comment trouver Grease gratuit

Swedish Greasers

Swedish Greasers

A sub culture evolved in Sweden in the 1950s – Swedish greasers. The greasers were young and wild, drove American cars and rebelled against society. We meet the next generation of motorised youth the “Neo-Greasers”. What price are they willing to pay to live a demand-less life?.

Le roi du cirage

Le roi du cirage

Cireur de chaussures dans une gare parisienne, Bouboule est sur le point de découvrir un cirage révolutionnaire. Malheureusement, par suite de quiproquos, il perd son emploi. Mais, dans le même temps, il gagne une somme fabuleuse à la loterie. Dès lors, le cirage revient sur le devant de la scène….

Is It Still Greasy?

Is It Still Greasy?

A satirical film based on the folk joke of the same name about greedy and hypocritical church servants and the gluttony of ridiculously selfish people. True to popular folklore, greed is eventually punished..