

Comment trouver Ghost Town gratuit

The Town of Ghosts

The Town of Ghosts

Yan Yangyi and Bao Hulu strayed into the strange Underworld Town, where they can only enter but cannot leave. Anyone who leaves without authorization will die mysteriously. Although Yan Yangyi doesn't believe in the horror legends all over Yin-Yang Town, he frequently encounters strange things. Will he be able to survive time after time? What was even more unexpected to Yan Yangyi and Bao Hulu was that under the curse, the spooky town has an amazing secret behind it....

L'âge d'or des dinosaures

L'âge d'or des dinosaures

Sur le site du "Jurassic Mile", dans un lieu gardé secret quelque part dans le Wyoming, une équipe internationale de paléontologues est réunie pour résoudre une énigme vieille de 160 millions d'années. Depuis trois ans, ils effectuent des fouilles dans ce cimetière de dinosaures afin de reconstituer une partie du Jurassique. Le butin des paléontologues est extraordinaire : plus de 600 fossiles, les os des plus grandes créatures ayant vécu sur Terre comme les stégosaures ou les sauropodes géants, cousins des célèbres diplodocus. Ce qui rend ce trésor si passionnant, c'est que ces créatures géantes ont été enterrées avec une multitude d'autres indices, depuis les empreintes qu'elles ont laissées jusqu'aux plantes qu'elles ont mangées..

Répertoire des villes disparues

Répertoire des villes disparues

À Irénée-les-Neiges, une bourgade perdue qui compte à peine 215 âmes, un accident de la route coûte la vie à Simon Dubé, un jeune homme dans la fleur de l’âge. Choqués, les habitants n’osent pas évoquer les circonstances de la tragédie. Dorénavant, pour la famille Dubé, la mairesse du village et une poignée d’autres, le temps semble se rompre et les jours flotter sans fin. En cette période de deuil et de brouillard, quelque chose s’abat lentement sur la région et des inconnus commencent à apparaître….

Ghost Town

Ghost Town

A remote village in southwest China is haunted by traces of its cultural past while its residents piece together their existence. Zhiziluo is a town barely clinging to life. Tucked away in a rugged corner of Yunnan Province, Lisu and Nu minority villagers squat in the abandoned halls of this remote former Community county seat. Divided into three parts, this epic documentary takes an intimate look at its varied cast of characters, bringing audiences face to face with people left behind by China's new economy. A father-son duo of elderly preachers argue over the future of their village church. Two young lovers face a break-up over harsh financial realities. A twelve year-old boy, abandoned by his family, scavenges the hillside to feed himself..

Inside a Chinese Ghost Town of Abandoned Mansions

Inside a Chinese Ghost Town of Abandoned Mansions

"China’s property crisis is expected to get worse as sales of new homes plummet and indebted developers struggle to find funds to complete projects. Real estate giant Evergrande was recently forced to liquidate as more than 50 housing developers have defaulted on their debts in recent years. "WSJ’s Jonathan Cheng travels to an abandoned 'ghost town' in Shenyang City built by the Greenland Group to explain how China’s real-estate slump has become a headache for the government.".

The Flowers on Ghost Town

The Flowers on Ghost Town

A high school girl lives in a failing new town with her father, his second wife, and the wife's two children. She meets a top-notch student through a friend and begins dating. But since she lacks experience, she seeks assistance from an otaku specializing in dating sim games..