

Comment regarder The New Life sur Netflix gratuitement

New Life

New Life

"Nû Jîn", New Life, with the slogan ' Woman is life. Life is resistance and resistance is Kobanê', depicts the daily life of women guerillas, Elif Kobanê (18), Vîyan Peyman and Arjîn, joining in the Women's Protection Units (YPJ) in their battle against ISIS. The documentary relates the ISIS assault of 15 September 2014 and the five-month resistance by the YPJ and People's Defense Units (YPG) through the lens of three women fighter.

In a New Life

In a New Life

A documentary produced for the Czechoslovak army depicting a military project in which troops moved a Slovak mountain village to make room for a military training camp..

Gogita's new life

Gogita's new life

After 14 years in prison, the time has come for Gogita to return to his normal life. His wishes seem modest enough: a home of his own and then marriage to a nice woman. But who would be interested in a poor farmer and ex-con who still lives with his mother? Then he meets Maka on the internet. She's not that young anymore, and she's not the prettiest girl in the world, but she can bake delicious cakes. They're soon making grand plans without even having met..

New start in life

New start in life

Young peasant Seong-bo and his wife, unable to bear the poverty, leave for their hometown. After 20 years of hard work, you will be able to enjoy a more leisurely life. They had two sons. The eldest son, Cheol-su, resembled his father and was a hard worker, but his younger son, Cheol-min, was a playboy. Her mother, who was struggling with her younger son, dies, and her family begins to decline. The father leaves a letter to his two sons and sets out on a hopeless journey. The two sons are shocked and weeping, vowing to make a fresh start..

Happy New Life

Happy New Life

Árpád Bogdán's debut film seduces you with stylized visuals and an intensity that gives you an insight into the director's mind. His profound knowledge of the subject is evident throughout a film that is bereft of sex and violence. There is a poetic feel to the images that include a horse running wild on the streets of Budapest before it is caught and led into a horse trailer. The sequence is an eerie symbolic reminder of earlier visuals in the film of the young boy fleeing from parents/elders being arrested by police with the mother figure urging the child to run before he himself is caught and taken to an orphanage, psychologically scarred...(c)

Human Life: Good News

Human Life: Good News

In March 2018, oncologist Andrey Pavlenko learned that he had stomach cancer. Over the years of consultations, Andrey identified three main feelings of patients: confusion, fear, and apathy. And he believes that the doctors themselves are to blame for the fact that patients are afraid and do not understand what is happening. Together with the project" Such things", Andrey begins an experiment. From that moment on, the illness, the changes in his life, the memories, the everyday thoughts become public. Viewers and listeners will learn about the obstacles faced by a person who knows everything about cancer himself. It is not customary to speak publicly about such problems of oncology as training specialists or paternalistic relations between doctors and patients, but Andrey is ready for this, because he believes that the main weapon in the fight against cancer is information..

ma nouvelle vie européenne

ma nouvelle vie européenne

When Abou from Mali finally made it to Europe, it felt like a new life had started for him. A life, that offered a future. The film he made about his journey from Africa to Europe gets shown all over the world and throughout Germany, where Abou lives as an asylum seeker. His life oscillates between that of an artist with a voice, who is invited to screenings and events, and the isolation and boredom in a remote refugee centre. An essayistic reflection about Europe’s invisible borders and filmmaking as an act of self-empowerment..

Bulag 2. Towards a New Life

Bulag 2. Towards a New Life

The film is set in the Tunkinskaya Valley. Successful businessman Vyacheslav returns to his small homeland, to take his mother with him. That she lived with him in the city. The mother's reluctance to move, everyday problems force Vyacheslav to stay longer. With each new day, he sees and personally faces the problems of rural life. Will he be able to unwind the tangle of unsolved problems or will he leave everything as it is? You will see in our film..

Depart for a New Life: One Promise

Depart for a New Life: One Promise

Taking care of the children on their own, a group of women just realise how ignorant the whole society is, regarding the daily needs of mothers and children. In this film, the filmmaker shares her own experiences with two other women caught in the same dilemma..

The New Man

The New Man

A creative documentary about becoming a parent... and how to reconceive yourself. Fiction director Josh Appignanesi turns the camera on himself and his wife as they undergo the ordeal of becoming parents in the era of man-children and assisted reproduction. Faced with fatherhood, Josh spirals comically into an envious career funk. But life-threatening complications emerge- the couple are tested to the brink, confronting shattering losses. It's a portrait of our generation going through a revolution in reproduction- forced to find new ways to think about ourselves as creative beings. We hear from Slavoj Žižek, John Berger, Darian Leader (20,000 Days) and Zadie Smith. Universal yet still taboo, it's a film for everyone who has children, wants them, or still feels like a child themselves..

The Caravan

The Caravan

We accompanied an 8 months pregnant Yuri, who migrates with her partner Mike and her son Santi with one objective, to give birth in USA.