

Comment regarder Rebirth sur Netflix gratuitement

Gorongosa : le royaume oublié

Gorongosa : le royaume oublié

Né aux États-Unis et ayant grandi en Afrique, le caméraman Bob Poole commence sa mission de tournage de deux ans dans le parc national de Gorongosa, au Mozambique. À la fois derrière et devant la caméra, il met la main à la patte et participe à un énorme projet de restauration de la vie sauvage. Après des décennies de guerre, une équipe internationale de scientifiques et d'écologistes tente de redonner son faste d'antan à ce parc légendaire..

The Legendary Spider-Man: Rebirth

The Legendary Spider-Man: Rebirth

One year after ‘Spider-Man 5: The Clone Catastrophe’ (2023), Peter Parker has retired the mantle of Spider-Man and passed the torch to his young successor Miles Morales. While Miles struggles to find his footing as the one and only Spider-Man, he uncovers the twisted truth about New York’s deadliest underground crime organisation, and it’s shocking connection to his family….



After the collapse of their relationship, Kiwako abducts the 6-month old child of a man she was having an affair with. Raising the child as her own, it is four years before the authorities catch up with her and the young child..

Gion Matsuri - the Rebirth!

Gion Matsuri - the Rebirth!

Marking a 1150 year anniversary in 2019, the Kyoto Gion Matsuri was subsequently suspended for two years due to outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Live coverage of the Yoiyama evening on July 16th and the next day's Yamaboko parade is accompanied by a set of special documentaries explaining the festival history and the activities during the pandemic..

Fire Mountain: The Eruption and Rebirth of Mount St. Helens

Fire Mountain: The Eruption and Rebirth of Mount St. Helens

In 1980, the eruption of Mount St. Helens leveled 230 square miles, sent 540 million tons of ash and volcanic rock twelve miles into the air, and blasted one cubic mile of earth from the crest of the Cascade Mountain Range. Illustrates the terrifying fury of the most destructive volcanic disaster in American history through aerial photography and survivors' own words. Shows examples of nature's plant and animal recovery seventeen years later..



While living in his brothers house, Murph tries to keep his brother and his brother's fiancée from seeing the pictures he photoshops of her giving birth to him..

The Rebirth of Buddha

The Rebirth of Buddha

17 year-old Sayako Amanokawa aspires to become a journalist, just like Kanemoto, an elite newspaper writer she looks up to. But Kanemoto, shamed from an erroneous report about a corruption scandal, jumps in front of a train and commits suicide. Since that incident, Sayako suddenly becomes able to see spirits and almost loses her life. However, from that near-fatal incident she experiences something extraordinary. The journalist inside her stirred, she embarks to find out about the truth. But the forces that stand in her way turn out to be much formidable than she ever imagined. [from AnimeNewsNetwork].

Rebirth of a Nation

Rebirth of a Nation

DJ Spooky's Rebirth of a Nation is a film project based on a remix of D.W. Griffith's infamous 1915 film Birth of a Nation. The original film was based on a novel and theater play by Thomas Dixon entitled The Clansman - essentially what Dj Spooky is doing is applying dj technique to cinema in a way that parallels, deconstructs and remixes the original. Thus Rebirth of a Nation DJ Spooky's Rebirth of a Nation has been touring for several years and has drawn acclaim around the world. From the Herod Atticus Theater at the base of the Acropolis in Greece, to the London IMAX - Europe's largest movie screen - Dj Spooky has presented the remix as an engagement with film, music, and contemporary art. He likes to think of it as "film as found object" in the same sense that artists such as Marcel Duchamp, Jeff Koons, Andy Warhol, and David Hammons, amongst many others, have fostered creative investigations into the idea of found objects, cinema, and "appropriation art.".

Ferlinghetti: A Rebirth of Wonder

Ferlinghetti: A Rebirth of Wonder

The poet and painter, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, is among the world's living monuments to arts and letters. For well over a half century, Ferlinghetti helped shape the currents of poetry and literature with his forceful engagement with society and an ideological position that often found him at odds with the political currents of his day. Ferlinghetti's quiet, behind the scenes demeanor and disarming mien may have assuaged, or even fooled, certain opponents, while in reality he was a literary mercenary, a rebel at the forefront of our own cultural revolution..

Elvis: The Rebirth of the King

Elvis: The Rebirth of the King

The widely accepted Elvis narrative is that the Vegas period was the nadir of his career, but this film argues that Elvis reached his peak both as a singer and performer in the first few years of his Vegas period. He became, in those short years, the greatest performer on earth. The film tracks this five-year renaissance with some of his key musical and artistic collaborators of the period, including the creator of his most memorable jumpsuits, to celebrate the greatest pop reinvention of all time..

Full Circle: The Birth, Death & Rebirth of Circle of Dust

Full Circle: The Birth, Death & Rebirth of Circle of Dust

The untold story of the essential, genre-defying ‘90s industrial project Circle of Dust. Explore the early career of visionary artist, composer, musician and producer Klayton, who would later gain recognition for his category transcending project Celldweller. Assembled from over 30 interviews and dozens of hours of VHS footage from Klayton’s personal archive, get access to never-before-released videos & stories on the history of Circle of Dust. Journey back to Circle of Dust’s inception, the signing of Klayton’s first record deal, assembly of a live band, subsequent legal battles and eventual dissolution of Circle of Dust in 1998, to the formation and independent success of Celldweller. The story ultimately comes full circle, with the resurrection of Circle of Dust in 2015..

Matra Racing - The Rebirth

Matra Racing - The Rebirth

There’s never been another Grand Prix or Sportscar manufacturer quite like French mavericks Matra. Arriving on the scene from a background of aerospace engineering, Matra brought a host of innovative technologies to bear, and an entirely different approach from the largely British-based ‘Garagistes’ then dominating the F1 landscape. As Matra Racing shows, the French firm even left F1 grandees Ferrari scratching their heads as Matra pioneered the use of Computer Aided Design, true monocoque construction from space-ace materials, and a rigorous design and testing programme. It wasn’t just in Formula One where they met with success; between 1972 and ’74 they ruled the sportscar prototype roads, particularly at Le Mans in the hands of Henri Pescarolo. This new film profiles meteoric rise, and equally rapid disappearance of the French blue cars in the late 1960s and early 1970s, speaking to many of the key players in the firm as well as the drivers..