

Comment regarder A Christmas Story sur Netflix gratuitement

The Cast of a Christmas Story: Where Are They Now?

The Cast of a Christmas Story: Where Are They Now?

This one-hour special includes some archival interviews with the film's biggest stars like Peter Billingsley, but there are new, original interviews with some of the supporting actors and updates on their lives and careers. The actor who played Flick gives away the secret of how they filmed the flag pole scene. "Where Are They Now?" also visits the Cleveland house used for the film's exterior and previews the musical version of the film that's been making the rounds during recent holiday seasons and is now on Broadway..

A Very Christmas Story

A Very Christmas Story

Crazy adventures of an accountant with a briefcase full of defrauded money, a girl desperately looking for money for her orphanage and an Angel of Death, who doesn't know anything about money and doesn't need too. Death begs God for just one day of vacation. Since there is much to do on the earth, a substitute - the Angel of Death - is found for the job. Right from the start he runs into bad luck and what is more a beautiful blonde - the Guardian Angel - is bothering him. Little Angelica moves out in search of Santa Claus. Christmas Day is coming soon, so she wants to fulfill her Christmas wish - to find money to save her orphanage from closing down. On the way the little girl meets an accountant named Claus who has stolen a huge amount of money. He is being chased by a bunch of bumbling hoodlums..

Le Mauvais Riche

Le Mauvais Riche

Three little chimney-sweepers fall down at the door of a farmhouse exhausted with fatigue and cold when the snow is falling. The most courageous of them knocks at the door to ask for help but the farmer sends them away and goes into the house quickly to sit down by the fire. Whilst these unfortunate creatures are lying almost lifeless in the snow, an angel appears in the sky who, with a gesture, transforms the scene, having the children and the bad rich man switching places..

L'Histoire de Noël

L'Histoire de Noël

Quand l'âne et le boeuf racontent la naissance de Jésus, l'arrivée des bergers et des mages, la fuite en Égypte. Un grand classique en dessin animé aux couleurs pastel pour les tout-petits..

Christmas Stories

Christmas Stories

The film "Christmas Stories" consists of two short stories, the action of which takes place in Russia at the end of the XIX century on the eve of Christmas. In the first story, a boy, Kolya, wants to see a star of Bethlehem, for which he goes out onto a balcony on a frosty night and gets very sick. The second story tells about a girl, Zhenya, who wants to sell her favorite doll to buy medicine for her sick mother..

Christmas Stories

Christmas Stories

That Christmas wasn't particularly snowy in Lviv, however it didn't spoil the mood for tourists and locals. Mother and her daughter taking advantage of people's inattention steal from shops and sell it in social networks..

Christmas Stories

Christmas Stories

Two Christmas-themed stories: about the night of Christ's birth, and about a good deed that is remembered many decades later. Adapted from texts by Sasha Chyornyy and Archpriest Dimitriy Gavrilovich Bulgakovskiy..

Lot n° 249

Lot n° 249

Un groupe d'étudiants d'Oxford, dont l'un d'entre eux, devient la coqueluche de la ville en menant des recherches sur les mystères de l'Égypte ancienne..

Noël à l'anglaise

Noël à l'anglaise

Très belle comédie attendrissant et romantique, un plaisir de Noël ! Jessica, chanteuse d'opéra, doit se rendre à Vienne pour chanter lors d'un concert. Mais son vol est retardé et la jeune femme se retrouve coincée dans un charmant village isolé d'Angleterre. Sur place, le seul logement disponible est un bed-and-breakfast tenu par Andrew, un veuf qui ne manque pas de charme..

The Story of Christmas

The Story of Christmas

The Augsburger Puppenkiste brings the biblical story of Christmas onto the big screen. On time for Christmas, the tale of Maria, Joseph and Baby Jesus is told in all of Germany..

Le père Noël a volé notre chien

Le père Noël a volé notre chien

Lors d'une veille de Noël enneigée et froide, le Père Noël vole accidentellement le chien de la famille. Ainsi commence un voyage épique à travers les douze jours de Noël alors que la famille s'aventure au pôle Nord pour récupérer son chien bien-aimé..

Richie Rich : Meilleurs vœux

Richie Rich : Meilleurs vœux

Richie Rich, un enfant riche et gentil, sabote accidentellement le Noël d'un orphelinat à cause de Van Dough, un enfant tyran. Il souhaite alors ne pas exister... mais la machine à voeu d'un inventeur farfelu va exaucer ce voeu et Richie se retrouve dans un monde où ses parents ont adopté l'affreux Van Dough et celui-ci impose sa loi....

Fiançailles à Noël

Fiançailles à Noël

Belle comédie romantique de Noël qui vous promet des moments doux et amusants, un cadeau avant l'heure ! Pendant les vacances de Noël, Holly propose à Phil de l'épouser. Il lui avoue qu'il doit régler les choses avec son ex. Holly, découragée, fait seule la promenade en traîneau. Elle finit par se confier au conducteur de l'attelage, Jake, qui s'intéresse sincèrement à elle..

Martin's Close

Martin's Close

1684. Accusé de meurtre, John Martin doit répondre de son acte devant la justice. Il serait en effet l'auteur de la mort de sa très jeune amante, Anne Clark. Le spectre de cette dernière vient hanter John lors de son procès....