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The Rooms

The Rooms

The Room Room / Tricked / Her is Project Movie 3 of the third story is consistent with the Green Sonata. The first composer to the Royal School Dist who has been in love with Anna, his wife, with all his heart. Unfortunately when Anna is in an accident and becomes disabled something terrible starts to happen in the rooms around where she stays..

Kinkyu Torishirabeshitsu

Kinkyu Torishirabeshitsu

Yukiko Makabe travaille au sein du SIT du Metropolitan Police Department. Elle a d'excellentes capacités mais rate une négociation à cause d'une décision extérieure. Mais Yukiko prend l'entière responsabilité et est transférée dans une équipe spéciale d'interrogatoire "Kintori". Son patron est Katsutoshi Kajiyama. Ses autres collègues sont Susumu Hishimoto, Zenjiro Nakata et Haruo Koishikawa, des policiers expérimentés. Ensembles, ils vont faire avouer les suspects..



The show features eleven celebrities living together in a share house, sharing common spaces such as the kitchen, living room, and washrooms, as well as household tasks. The house features sixty cameras and five bedrooms. The program is a response to society today where single-person households are dramatically increasing and aims to show the life, troubles, and joys of eleven different celebrities as they form friendships, relationships and possibly enemies living together under one roof..

Red Rooms

Red Rooms

In darkest corners of the darknet, there are places where victims are held captive, psychologically tortured, live-streamed, then given a chance to escape if they confess their worst sins, preserving them online for eternity in Red Rooms..

The Sound Of Old Rooms

The Sound Of Old Rooms

Filmed over 17 years, this up-close documentary takes the viewer through the life experiences of an ordinary Indian man trying to hold on to his calling of being a poet while juggling a normal life..

Room in Rome

Room in Rome

Deux étrangères, une Russe, une Espagnole, se rencontrent par hasard dans un hôtel de Rome. Elles ont une nuit pour faire connaissance....

Guest in Room 0

Guest in Room 0

Set in a city hotel called Point, where there is a strange "Room 0" that can reveal one's "grade" as a human being. Various guests with different circumstances visit the room, hoping to determine their own worth..

L'homme de la chambre 301

L'homme de la chambre 301

Été 2007, Finlande. Alors que les Kurtti passent leurs vacances annuelles dans leurs cabanes, Tommi, 2 ans, est tué d’un coup de feu. Elias, un voisin de 12 ans, est tenu pour responsable de sa mort. Été 2019, Grèce. 12 ans plus tard, la famille reçoit une lettre anonyme menaçante. Dans la station grecque où ils séjournent, ils tombent sur un homme qui ressemble à Elias, dans la chambre 301. Est-ce vraiment lui ?.

There Is a Japanese Woman in My Room

There Is a Japanese Woman in My Room

A determined Japanese woman gets a job in Korea. She thinks she will be cleaning, but she is taught to massage. When her director touches her inappropriately she runs into the street where she encounters men who take advantage of her and she becomes homeless. She is found by a webtoon designer who uses her as inspiration for his webtoons. Will she become more than his inspiration?.

Room No. 9

Room No. 9

Eulji Hae-Yi, a lawyer at a big law firm, is a kiss-up to those with power, but looks down upon those who are poor. When she meets death-row convict Jang Hwa-Sa in room 9 in the prison visitation area, their bodies are exchanged..

A Little Room for Hope

A Little Room for Hope

A girl (Anna Yamada) is just 14-years-old, but she endures a difficult life. Her parents abuse her at home and she is bullied by students at her school. She doesn't have a place where she can feel comfortable. One day, the girl is kidnapped by a man (Shuhei Uesugi) wearing a mask. The kidnapper names the girl Sachi, while wishing her to be happy. For the first time, Sachi can feel happiness..

Please Don't Chant Buddhist Prayers in the Hospital Room

Please Don't Chant Buddhist Prayers in the Hospital Room

Matsumoto Shouen became a buddhist monk after being unable to save his friend that was drowning right in front of him as a child and also became a doctor. While also engaging in saving people at the hospital, he works as a monk and offers care to the terminally ill. Sometimes, his monk robes cause a commotion as patients misunderstand that they are already dead. In addition, his chanting is disliked not only be patients but by his fellow colleagues. Despite that, he works brightly and seriously as a monk and as a doctor..

One Room Angel

One Room Angel

Tomoda Koki, un trentenaire lassé par la vie au visage peu amical, vit dans un appartement en piteux état, n'a pas d'amis et n'a pas un sou en poche. Lorsque des délinquants évoquent son passé trouble, Koki s'emporte et se fait poignarder. En s'évanouissant, un mystérieux ange lui apparaît. En sortant de l'hôpital, quelle ne fut pas sa surprise lorsqu'il découvre qu'un jeune homme aux ailes bien réelles l'attend sagement chez lui. Une étrange cohabitation va débuter et sans s'en apercevoir, ensemble, ils vont se découvrir et faire front face aux épreuves que la vie leur réserve, aussi tragiques soient-elles..

Les Chambres rouges

Les Chambres rouges

Kelly-Anne se réveille chaque matin aux portes du palais de justice pour s’assurer une place au procès hyper-médiatisé de Ludovic Chevalier, un tueur en série duquel elle est obsédée. Au fil des jours, la jeune femme tissera des liens avec une autre groupie, ce qui l’extirpera momentanément de sa solitude étouffante. Mais à force de côtoyer les parents des victimes dans un procès qui s’enlise, Kelly-Anne a de plus en plus de difficulté à maintenir son équilibre psychologique et à assumer sa fixation maladive pour le bourreau. Elle tentera alors par tous les moyens de mettre la main sur l’ultime pièce du puzzle : la vidéo manquante du meurtre d’une des victimes avec qui elle a une inquiétante ressemblance..