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Rocky's Love Affairs

Rocky's Love Affairs

During World War II, a valuable pendant is taken into hiding to protect it from those who would use it for evil. Years later, men are still trying to retrieve the pendant, now separated into two parts for safekeeping, and will stop at nothing to get their hands on it. A young tournament fighter who is traveling to a big event unwittingly becomes involved in the recovery of the mysterious pendant..

Le Syndicat du crime 3

Le Syndicat du crime 3

Entre le Vietnam et Hong-Kong, c'est la guerre. La seule façon de s'en sortir est de devenir un traficant. Mark cheung, jeune habitant hongkongais venu à Saïgon chercher son cousin Mun et son oncle s'en rend compte trop tard, et cherche à s'en sortir en s'unissant à Chow Kit, une trafficante. Malheureusement, tout tourne mal....

Punk Love

Punk Love

Set in the rainy environs of Oregon and Washington, Punk Love is the story of two forlorn lovers, searching for that elusive Hollywood Ending to the story of their dreams. Sarah is a lost 15-year-old, trapped in an unloving home, in a dreary small paper mill town. When she meets Spike, she envisions a new life for herself. Falling in love, Sarah and Spike go on a crime spree of small-time con jobs, both to support themselves and their drug habit. Spike has dreams of his own, and when he successfully auditions for a band, he can't help but feel that he and Sarah are starting on the road to escaping their ill-fated existence. But just as things are looking up, everything goes uncontrollably wrong, and Spike and Sarah have only their undying love for each other as a means of survival against all odds. Director/writer Nick Lyon's Punk Love is a modern-day fairy tale about two fallen angels searching for meaning in a world without pity....

Little City

Little City

Best friends Adam and Kevin have a lot in common. Probably too much! In fact, Kevin is carrying on a torrid affair with Adam's girlfriend, Nina, on the side! And if this triangle wasn't crowded enough, the arrival of a seductive newcomer in town, Rebecca, promptly adds a whole new set of twists to an already tangled mix! Here's a hilarious look at how modern relationships have never been so complicated ... or so much fun!.