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The Adventures of Indiana Jones

The Adventures of Indiana Jones

Famous archaeologist Dr. Indiana Jones is on a quest of a lifetime, but this time he is fully animated in this passion project by life long fan and artist Patrick Schoenmaker. Over the course of 5 years, he has crafted the opening sequence of what would be the tv series to make all other tv shows redundant: "The Adventures of Indiana Jones"!.

The Making of Disneyland Indiana Jones Adventure

The Making of Disneyland Indiana Jones Adventure

The Making of Disneyland’s Indiana Jones Adventure introduced the world to the latest Disneyland attraction. The show was hosted by Michael Eisner and included Karen Allen and John Rhys-Davies. Celebrity appearances include George Lucas, Dan Aykroyd, Fran Drescher, and Jodie Sweetin. We also hear from the imaginers that work on Indy, including Tony Baxter..

Sean Connery, de James Bond à Indiana Jones

Sean Connery, de James Bond à Indiana Jones

Né à Edimbourg en 1930 dans un foyer modeste, Sean Connery commence à arpenter les planches et les studios de cinéma et de télévision dans les années 1950. On le voit notamment dans la production Disney, «Darby O'Gill et les Farfadets». Mais le succès éclate en 1962, quand il se glisse dans le costume du plus connu des agents secrets, James Bond. Et le comédien, dont le talent ne se limite pas au port du smoking, saura vite trouver une seconde carrière en tournant dans des films aussi divers et réussis que «Le Nom de la rose», «Les Incorruptibles», ou encore «Indiana Jones et la Dernière Croisade», où il incarne le père du célèbre archéologue. En images d'archives et interviews se dresse le portrait d'un acteur singulier..

Les Aventuriers de l'arche perdue

Les Aventuriers de l'arche perdue

L'Arche d'Alliance contenant les tables de la Loi brisées par Moïse, voici 3000 ans, est l'objet de la convoitise des nazis. L'archéologue aventurier Indiana Jones se lance à sa recherche, poursuivi par son ennemi Belloq..

Indiana Jones and the Treasure of the Aztecs

Indiana Jones and the Treasure of the Aztecs

"Indiana Jones and the Treasure of the Aztecs" is an Indiana Jones fan film created by the Oliver Springs Music Club (Formally the Parkview Music Club). Set in 1958, Indiana Jones takes up an unfinished quest from his late father-in-law, Abner Ravenwood, which turns into a race against time to find a powerful Aztec treasure before the Soviets do. The film is a tribute to the Indiana Jones franchise, and has a cameo from Actress Karen Allen, reprising her role as Marion from the Indiana Jones films..

Indiana Jones and the Echoes of Time (A Stop Motion Fan Film)

Indiana Jones and the Echoes of Time (A Stop Motion Fan Film)

After returning from his wedding in 1957, Indiana Jones discovers a mysterious device given to him by Harold Oxley. He attempts to use the device only for it to take him back in time! In order to return back home, Indy must meet new acquaintences (or old ones) and work together in order to escape the evil Nazi, Claus! (This is a fan film. We do not own these characters or music*).