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The Enigma Of Harold Sonny Ladoo

The Enigma Of Harold Sonny Ladoo

In The Enigma of Harold Sonny Ladoo Richard Fung draws on a 20-year-old archive of video interviews by Trinidadian filmmaker Christopher Laird, a founder of the pioneering Trinidadian film and television production company, Banyan. Laird spoke with Ladoo’s family, Trinidad intimates, and members of the Canadian literary scene who helped advance Ladoo’s career in Toronto. Filmed in Trinidad and Toronto, the film attempts to piece together the puzzle of Ladoo’s complex, often tumultuous life, and his tragic death. Caribbean and Canadian-Caribbean authors Shani Mootoo, Kevin Jared Hosein, Andil Gosine, Ramabai Espinet, and David Chariandy voice Ladoo’s groundbreaking fiction, alongside animated drawings by Trinidadian artist Adam Williams..

Enigma for the Devil

Enigma for the Devil

After the death of her father in Argentina, Elza returns to Brazil to visit her remaining family. While visiting her mother's grave, she takes a flower off an unknown grave and puts it in her mother's. Soon after that, she begins to receive strange phone calls from an unknown voice saying: "Give back my flower!". She becomes terrified and obsessed with the stranger's voice, and starts believing that it's the spirit of the deceased..

Christophe Colomb, l'énigme

Christophe Colomb, l'énigme

Depuis les années 1940, Manuel Luciano a entrepris de découvrir la véritable identité de Christophe Colomb. Dans ses multiples voyages entre le Portugal et les Etats-Unis, toujours accompagné de sa femme, l'autre grande passion de sa vie, il a été le témoin de nombreux changements dans le temps et dans l'espace. Aujourd'hui, il est sur le point de dévoiler les mystères du célèbre explorateur. Il a juste besoin de faire un dernier voyage dans la maison qui a vu naître Christophe Colomb....

L'Énigme de Kaspar Hauser

L'Énigme de Kaspar Hauser

En 1858, à Nuremberg, un jeune homme en haillons fait son entrée sur la place de la ville. Enfermé dans une cave et nourri furtivement par un inconnu jusqu'à l'âge de dix-sept ans, Kaspar Hauser vient d'être mystérieusement relâché par ce même homme. Sachant à peine marcher, il découvre le soleil, les arbres et les hommes. D'abord recueilli par une famille de paysans compatissants, puis exhibé dans un cirque, il est bientôt confié à un riche bourgeois, Daumer, qui, à force de patience et d'amitié, entreprend d'en faire un être civilisé….

Rings of Fear

Rings of Fear

Le cadavre d'une lycéenne de seize ans est retrouvé dans une rivière, dans une bâche en plastique transparent. Elle s'appelait Angela Russo et fréquentait le pensionnat de jeunes filles Sainte Teresa. L'inspecteur Gianni Di Salvo (Fabio Testi) est chargé de l'enquête. Il apprend, grâce au témoignage d'Emily, la petite sœur d'Angela, que cette dernière était très proche de Franca, Paola et Virginia, copines de classe, et complices au point d'avoir créé le clan des « Inséparables ». Toujours grâce à l'aide précieuse d'Emily, Di Salvo réalise, en lisant le journal secret d'Angela, que le quatuor fuguait régulièrement du pensionnat afin de participer à des soirées spéciales au cours desquelles elles monnayaient leurs charmes....



There is something wrong with Fa's high school, strange events have been happening around her. In which way is it related to the new teacher, Ajin?.

Karma - Enigma of Death

Karma - Enigma of Death

In the 19th century, bandits massacre the inhabitants of a farmhouse. One hundred years later, it is turned into a hotel and the murderers and their victims are reincarnated as the guests. Strange phenomena and death soon occur..

Enigma: Nazo

Enigma: Nazo

Enigma is something of a more glamorous version of White Hole, with a wide variety of elaborate textures (often composed of iconographic and religious symbols) converging towards the centre of the screen..

The Unsolved Enigma

The Unsolved Enigma

A short film action/drama about a murder investigation in Gloucestershire. Chief Inspector, David Divad is compelled to catch the key suspect in a murder mystery..

Billy Yeager The Ineffable Enigma

Billy Yeager The Ineffable Enigma

Billy Yeager is a musician, singer-songwriter, filmmaker, activist, humanitarian and an all around living breathing performance artist. He has written and recorded over 2600 songs, produced 6 films and been discovered many times by several well known artists, yet most of his works are extremely hard to find and are considered to be very valuable by serious collectors, but if it can't change the world, the artist wants no part of it. Turning his back on the music and film industries, Yeager retreats into the desert to make his films and create his music..

The Enigmatic Element

The Enigmatic Element

Three "astronauts" wander through the snowy, silent and imposing mountains. Within this short film, the landscape becomes material for experimentation: with its textures, its colors and the images' tempos. In just forty minutes, the director of Murder Me, Monster constructs a fascinating existentialist piece that transforms the screen into a canvas; and the earth into a sort of frozen planet..

Alien Mind Control: The UFO Enigma

Alien Mind Control: The UFO Enigma

This fascinating documentary offers an unprecedented look at a group of individuals who claim to have had life altering UFO encounters, and discovers the unique psychic abilities they unknowingly share. From unexplained sightings and alien contact, to prophetic dreams, clairvoyance and astral projection, we explore the phenomena that has surrounded these "experiencers" from childhood to their adult years. This documentary explores the theories of who and what the "visitors" really are, and uncovers a plausible scenario for their intentions, as well as the government's involvement in suppressing this information from the public. Perhaps the greatest revelation is the shocking possibility that the alien visitor's greatest acquisition will be achieved, not from probing our bodies, but rather by invading our minds..

The Enigma of the Croquette Boy

The Enigma of the Croquette Boy

Alex García, a TV star of yesteryears, is fodder for some of the most cruel reality TV, but, his life takes an unexpected turn when a secret organization interrogates him about mysterious matters, revealing to him the truth about his failure, and that some martian invaders are following him with sinister intentions....