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BPM Ecstasy

BPM Ecstasy

Dans un contexte de plus en plus restrictif, les artistes électro de Chine et de Taïwan cherchent leur voie pour continuer à exister. Une plongée dans une culture alternative méconnue, dans les pas d’une jeunesse créative en quête de sensations..

Ecstasy Behind the Forgotten

Ecstasy Behind the Forgotten

Toxic masculinity has come to a head and this story explores the consequences not just for women, but for men. The phrase "toxic masculinity" is thrown around flippantly, and its potential root causes are very rarely explored. When a person is plagued with jealousy, they are willing to do almost anything in order to acquire what they desire. Our protagonist, August, internalizes the relationship that his best friend Wren shares with his girlfriend Julia as a direct, personal attack on him and his identity. Due to the fact August is not getting the same amount of attention and affection that he is used to from Wren, he goes behind Wren's back to manipulate Julia. August's internalized turmoil triggers an out-of-body experience that then drives him to make intimidating, coerced advances toward the people he loves..

Douce violence

Douce violence

Olivier, jeune étudiant beau mais maussade et de mauvaise humeur, prend une actrice enthousiaste lors d'une répétition théâtrale, et est présenté à ses connaissances : un groupe de jeunes riches, blasés qui passent leur temps à faire le tour de la Riviera, à harceler les passants, à organiser des fêtes sauvages et à suivre toutes les dernières tendances. Il laisse bientôt l'actrice pour la sexy Elke et rejoint le gang pour une fête décadente à bord d'un yacht. Cependant, les manières délictuelles d'Elke et l'inexpérience d'Olivier ne s'imbriquent pas, et dans un coup, il met accidentellement feu au yacht. Le gang se vengera en l'inciant dans une dangereuse compétition de bravoure sur un chantier de construction..

Mariette in Ecstasy

Mariette in Ecstasy

In this forceful study of religious passion an extraordinary spiritual experience is placed in the center of a deftly evoked natural world, namely, rural upstate New York just after the turn of the century. At summer's end, when she is 17, Mariette Baptiste, educated daughter of the local doctor, enters the cloistered convent of Our Lady of the Afflictions as a postulant. Her religious fervor, understated but determined, makes an impact on the small community of nuns whose days and nights are measured in a round of prayer and farm work changing only with the seasons. Their ordered life is disrupted, however, as Mariette begins to fall into a series of trances from which she awakens with stigmata, which heal as spontaneously as they appear. The feelings of skepticism, jealousy and adoration evoked in the nuns, Mariette's own response and that of the Mother Superior are delicately, indelibly presented..



Using film as a medium, Umebayashi uses a clear style to depict the fragile, crumbling images of light and shadow that threaten to disappear. Because of the silent nature of the film, you can hear the rhythm and melody in the spectacle of light unfolding on the screen. When the director himself shows the film, he freely controls the speed of the projection to create the effect of a live performance..

Niger: Magic and Ecstasy in the Sahel

Niger: Magic and Ecstasy in the Sahel

A celebration of life in the Sahel region of Africa, this film showcases many of Niger’s venerable music styles. Tuareg Electric Guitar trance rock, Bori cult dance ceremonies, Fulani Folk, and Roadhouse Gospel Rave-ups are some of the segments included in this latest "Folk Cinema" classic from Sublime Frequencies! Filmed in December of 2004 on location in Niger, Hisham Mayet delivers a spontaneous, raw, and inspiring collection of images, music, and ceremony (again with a single camera presentation) from a nation mired in poverty and continual post-colonial disappointment. Quoting from Mayet’s liner notes: "This is not music as commodity, this is music as survival. There is a saying in Niger that goes, "when we die we know we are going to heaven because we already live in Hell" well I think its more like the purgatory that we all live in and they sure have managed to transcend with an incredible natural resource: Music. Dig it!".

Ninja Turtle Sex Museum- Deadly Ecstasy

Ninja Turtle Sex Museum- Deadly Ecstasy

The Ninja Turtles just got back from Bangladesh and are waiting for the pizza to arrive, one of them finds the deadly ecstasy next to their stinking mattress in their sewer lair. You thought drugs were fun, right? But who could have imagined the horror and panic that find would bring? When they decide to take them with their beer and pizza, it all begins well, they dance. But soon they turn to fighting each other, the fighting turns quickly to lustful and murderous activity… Previously they had all wanked on the pizza too..

Bacchus Uncovered: Ancient God of Ecstasy

Bacchus Uncovered: Ancient God of Ecstasy

Professor Bettany Hughes investigates the story of Bacchus, god of wine, revelry, theatre and excess, travelling to Georgia, Jordan, Greece and Britain to discover his origins and his presence in the modern world, and explore how 'losing oneself' plays a vital role in the development of civilisation. Bettany begins in Georgia where she discovers evidence of the world's oldest wine production, and the role it may have played in building communities. In Athens she reveals Bacchus's pivotal role in a society where his ecstatic worship was embraced by all classes, and most importantly women. On Cyprus she uncovers startling parallels between Bacchus and Christ. Finally, Bettany follows the god's modern embrace in Nietzsche's philosophy, experimental theatre and the hedonistic hippie movement to conclude that, while this god of ecstasy is worthy of contemporary reconsideration, it is vital to heed the warning of the ancients - "MEDEN AGAN" - nothing in excess..

The Ecstasy of Wilko Johnson

The Ecstasy of Wilko Johnson

The Ecstasy of Wilko Johnson confronts our worst nightmares of impending death and turns them upside down. It tells the extraordinary, yet universal story of legendary musician Wilko Johnson who, diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given a few months to live, accepted his fate with uplifting positivity and embarked on a farewell tour, capturing the imagination of the world as he went. But like every good story Wilko's has a damn fine twist in its tail. Two years later and confounding the odds, Wilko wakes up in a hospital bed, unexpectedly sentenced to live, having now to integrate those enlightened lessons learnt under sentence of death into the unexpected and ongoing future of his life..

Lust for Ecstasy

Lust for Ecstasy

“LUST FOR ECSTASY is my most ambitious attempt since my last film…. I wrote many of the pungent scenes on the D train, and when I arrived on the set I ripped them up and let my emotional whims make chopped meat out of the performances and the story…. Yes, LUST FOR ECSTASY is my subconscious, my own naked lusts that sweep across the screen in 8mm and color with full fidelity sound.” – George Kuchar.

Modern Ecstasy

Modern Ecstasy

In a nameless town where the trains never stop running, a lonely resident is allured by the macabre. Maybe he's searching for something more....