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Dandelions in Virginia

Dandelions in Virginia

Dandelions in Virginia explores the skewed narratives of conspiracy fantasies and myths through the utilization of deep neural net A.I. motion capture applications, found footage, and stock imagery. Drawing upon obscure subcultures and peculiar narratives, the artifice of motion capture is emphasized through image infidelity where the peculiarities of the digital and the human converge through the uncanny..

Dandelion Season

Dandelion Season

Defiant young director Hanna seems to be forced into an arranged marriage in America. Arranging anything for this talented, head-strong woman was their first mistake..

Dandelion Man

Dandelion Man

Dandelion Man is the story of John Harper. A man drifting through life self-absorbed and unaware of the damage he inflicts upon those close to him. That is however, until he is forced to come to terms with his own damaged past and crippling baggage..



"Lyrical and full of mirth, this filmmaker wonders out loud in her first film: 'How do I make myself at home in a landscape made foreign to me?' Wilkinson looks at her self - black - and ponders in the white landscape called Canada how can she 'enjoy the flowers' as she cartwheels with great panache through fields of them. What kind of relationship to the land can she have in a place where she sees herself but where others constantly ask: Where are you from? Wilkinson's existence vis a vis the land seems to lie somewhere in between the extreme long shots and the close-ups that make up the film, giving at once the feelings of intimacy and estrangement." - Marian McMahon.



Rick (Rutger Hauer), a disaffected sailor turned hard drinking womanizer, returns home from six months at sea to find his wife (Corrigan), whom he was deeply in love, has unexpectedly left him and is now a junkie whore. Devastated, he tries to ease his pain with booze and cheap thrills. His wife's best friend (Dagmar Lassander) makes a move on him, and when he spurns her (after scewing her first, naturally) she plots her revenge. She does so in an ingenious way, by exploiting a fantasy woman of his, but her plan backfires with tragic consequences..



The shenanigans of a young and old lion in a world full of flowers not so different from our own - with the same struggles of old age and what we leave behind..



The story tells of Đình Phong and his friends: Ngo Kien Ha, Pham Quynh Bang, Sky - a funny Korean girl, and manager Lam - a greedy guy. The screenplay is based on the book Bắt đầu từ một kết thúc, an autobiography about the life of the ill-fated singer Wanbi Tuấn Anh..



Two of the most prosperous families in town - the Adrianovs and the Zeldovs - are preparing for the marriage of their children, that promises to benefit business interests. The day before the wedding, the groom meets a plain 'dandelion' blonde girl Sonia, when the elevator in which they are both traveling suddenly breaks down..

Dandelions' Bloom

Dandelions' Bloom

Yuras, a young man who has served eight years for a minor crime, is released from prison. He finds himself in his village, already in independent Ukraine. On the radio is heard a voice of the first president, who promises Ukrainians the right to a dignified life, and young people in clubs "dance non-Moscow, independent rock 'n' roll". The young man is trying to fit into a new picture of the world, even starting a relationship with a Latvian girl. The smell of freedom and international friendship wafts through the air. Dreamy and full of hope for a new life, Yuras is returned to earth by the executive service of the police, which acts as a long-standing and well-established repressive mechanism..

A Dandelion, Rosaceae

A Dandelion, Rosaceae

Drawing our attention to the ambiguities of sexuality, queering the relationship between body, image and voice; the filmmaker refers to it as an indirect reflection on the worldwide AIDS crisis of the 1980s..



Ingrid, a teenager who lives in a small town in Mexico, faces a reality in which others decide for her, forcing her to experience situations that put her life at risk and leave her vulnerable at a very young age. With the help of her best friend, Brenda, and against the complicit silence of the town, Ingrid will have to make decisions that will completely change the course of her life..

Dandelion the Puffy Cheeks

Dandelion the Puffy Cheeks

An inquisitive grasshopper could not understand why a dandelion has a chubby face and a thin stalk. With his excessive interest, he scared the dandelion, which began to call doctors and complain to its appearance. A dilemma appeared after medical advice a doctor gave. The dandelion did not know that its fears were groundless and would soon dispell..



This is someone who is driven to escape by himself and whose own actions catch up with him and part of his conscience demands more and more ready accountability on this torturous journey..

Dandelion for Industry

Dandelion for Industry

The space where people live is not just a place to feed and house themselves. It means a place where the emotions of life are accumulated and melted for a long time. Therefore, we call it home or hometown. Home or hometown, which expresses coziness and comfort to people, is just an unfamiliar expression to those who live in Onsan. The people of Onsan resemble dandelions, who cannot take root in their place of living and float like dust..

Nutcracker, Piano and Dandelion Wreath

Nutcracker, Piano and Dandelion Wreath

A touching story of the relationship between two teenagers who accidentally met in besieged Leningrad. Masha and Sergey are fighting hunger and death. She reads the book about the Nutcracker and the Mouse King over and over again, and the words of this story help her to be stronger, and he plays his favorite piano. The film is filled with soft sadness. The unique technique of combining animation and staged filming with the participation of actors gives the theme of war and the blockade amazing notes of authenticity of memories..



Based on the philosophical fairy tale “Dandelion Boy and Three Keys” by Alexander Sharov about the meaning of life and about the boy to whom the gnomes gave three keys. He had to manage them correctly and open the right lock..