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Bully High

Bully High

A coming-of-age drama that tackles some of today's most prevalent issues including religious prejudices, sexual orientation and bullying..



Danny, étudiant, ne reçoit que très peu d'attention à la maison, à cause de la maladie mentale de sa mère. Par contre, il est très populaire à l'école et connu pour être une brute. Sa principale victime est Suus, une fille de sa classe, lesbienne, qui doit faire face à de nombreux problèmes dus à son orientation sexuelle..

Billion Dollar Bully

Billion Dollar Bully

Today consumers Yelp everything from restaurants to dentists; plumbers to surgeons. The small business community sees Yelp's sales tactic as extortion. Does Yelp genuinely have an interest in helping people support the best local businesses, or are they a pay-to-play advertising platform?.

All American Bully

All American Bully

Cyberspace is the new school playground when it comes to bullying. Children and teens of all ages use social networking sites to blast their peers, reveal dirty secrets, and taunt those around them, often destroying lives in the process. This is a story of two close young friends who have a falling out, and internet bullying ensues, evolving into physical violence. Questions arise about what is the real truth, and who actually are the victims. As it turns out, no one is as innocent as they appear. Can you handle the real answers?.



16-year-old Kelly Wilson is being relentlessly bullied at school. In an effort to expose the bullies, Kelly, along with her best friend, Tanya, use a camcorder to covertly document the abuse. The footage Kelly captures is nothing short of terrifying..

The Bully of Bingo Gulch

The Bully of Bingo Gulch

Hiram Hughes, foreman on "Pop" Lynd's ranch in Bingo Gulch, has quit his job. He has had enough of "Wild Jim," who is the pest of the ranch. In despair, Pop goes to Bingo, where he places a sign on the post office, advertising for a new foreman. "Easy" Thompson, the star performer of the "Circle Bar Ranch" show, has had enough of circus life and resigns his job..

Bully Dance

Bully Dance

The "stick people" in Bully Dance are imaginary, but this gritty tale is all too familiar. Like the dance beat pulsating throughout the film, the bully's intimidation of a smaller victim is unrelenting; no one stops the dance until serious harm is inflicted. While Bully Dance offers no simple solutions, it does compel viewers--teachers, parents and children--to take stock of their actions and to find ways to end peer abuse..

Bully Cide

Bully Cide

A little girl Sarah, is bullied at school by Stacey. Sarah re-lives the experience through social and streaming media that’s shared among her classmates. This results in Sarah taking her own Life..