

Blackbird voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Blackbird, Fly

Blackbird, Fly

Blackbird Fly is a short fantasy piece about Raven Wilkinson, seen through the eyes and imagination of a young girl named Gabby. This is the first of the "Medusa Girls" series featuring historical women portrayed as young girls that dared to dream..

Border Blackbirds

Border Blackbirds

A couple of drifters seeking shelter from a blizzard. In a mountain cabin, they find the body of an old friend and a note that blames his death on the Border Blackbirds, a notorious gang operating on the border of Canada..

Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird

Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird

Taking its title from the poem by Wallace Stevens, the film is composed of a series of attempts at looking and being looked at. Beginning as a city state commission under the name and attitude of “Unschool”, the film became a kaleidoscope of the experiences, questions and wonders of a couple of high school students after a year of experiences with filmmaker Ana Vaz questioning what cinema can be. Here, the camera becomes an instrument of inquiry, a pencil, a song..

SR-71 Blackbird: The Secret Vigil

SR-71 Blackbird: The Secret Vigil

Few aircraft have attracted more attention than the ominous black supersonic jet that for years has ranged the world on reconnaissance missions. This is the definitive tribute to an extraordinary peacekeeper, the SR-71 Blackbird. The History. The Technology. The Missions. The Pilots. And compelling, gripping footage of the Blackbird itself, on its "rocket ride" through the world's airspace..

Secret of the Blackbirds

Secret of the Blackbirds

Mr. Fortescue, owner of a big company, unexpectedly dies. The autopsy shows that he has been poisoned. Nobody actually loved him, and even his family members had their reasons to kill him. But who really did it? And who is responsable for killing his young servant and his wife within the next couple of days? Of course the only person who can answer this question is Ms. Marple. And of course, the murderer is the person you least expected it to be..

Le Merle blanc

Le Merle blanc

Jules Leroy, industriel fabricant de cirage, révèle sur son lit de mort à son fils Achille que la fortune familiale provient d'un héritage volé 23 ans plus tôt. Celui qui aurait dû hériter est l'un des employés de l'usine, Hyacinthe Camusset. Ce dernier est aussi l'un des amants de Lucienne Leroy, la fille de la famille, qui a un penchant pour Jean Bernon, un garçon qui lui dédie des vers. Hyacinthe ignore qu'il a été cambriolé mais la famille Leroy, qui n'en est pas sûre, tente de le courtiser. La famille, Hyacinthe, Jean et Lucienne se retrouvent au château..

Le merle

Le merle

To the tune of a classic French-Canadian nonsense song, surreal blackbird made of lines loses body parts and gets them back threefold..

A Cuckoo and a Blackbird

A Cuckoo and a Blackbird

The cuckoo does not incubate its chicks and does not have a family. But the starlings were able to prove to the cuckoo that the family is a support in trouble and joy, and therefore everyone needs it..



A story about friendship between two boys coming from different social backgrounds, but with the equally bitter family experiences..

7h15 – Merle noir

7h15 – Merle noir

Jean vit comme un ermite dans une forêt de Lozère. Depuis sa cabane, il écoute et enregistre les sons des animaux qui peuplent le territoire alentour. Une nuit, il entend le cri d’un animal inconnu. Accompagné de Mana, une jeune fille qui chante avec les oiseaux, il part à la recherche de la mystérieuse créature..

La chamade

La chamade

C'est bientôt la rentrée des classes et Camélia, 15 ans, a un service un peu particulier à demander à Salah, son meilleur ami d'enfance : elle aimerait s'entrainer à embrasser avec la langue avant la fin de l'été..

Le chant du merle

Le chant du merle

Aurélie est serveuse dans un hôtel restaurant en Corrèze. Elle partage son temps entre son travail, le club d'ornithologie, le vieux monsieur dont elle s'occupe et sa mère avec qui elle vit. Discrète, fragile, elle attend que quelque chose arrive dans sa vie. Un jour, François, un représentant de commerce charmeur et mystérieux s'intéresse à elle..

Groupe merle noir

Groupe merle noir

In the heart of a french village in 2020, five individuals united under the name ‘The Blackbird Group’, wander in silence in their house and prepare themselves for an extreme symbolic action..

Field of Blackbirds

Field of Blackbirds

Syla, a tortured former political prisoner from Kosova, realizes that his political idealism destroyed his life. After twenty years of mundane life in London, he returns home to confront his troubled past..



Quand une jeune femme arrive à l'improviste sur le lieu de travail d'un homme plus âgé, à la recherche de réponses, les secrets du passé menacent de percer sa nouvelle vie..

Cold Blood

Cold Blood

Addison et sa sœur Liza sont en fuite après un casse qui a mal tourné. Suite à un accident de voiture, ils se séparent pour rejoindre la frontière canadienne alors qu’une tempête de neige se prépare. Addison sème la terreur sur son passage, pendant que Liza rencontre Jay, un ex-boxeur en route pour fêter Thanksgiving chez ses parents. Le chemin des deux fugitifs ne va pas tarder à se croiser….