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Death Knows No Time

Death Knows No Time

Forced to abandon their land that was sold to the United States, a group of Mexicans turns into bandits. Their leader, Rojas, with the help of Trevor organizes a big robbery. But, caught by the sheriff, he is condemned to 20 years of prison. Threatening to torture Rojas' son, Trevor learns where the money is hidden, not realizing that Rojas' revenge would be so ruthless....

Face of Evil

Face of Evil

On July 4th, private Jay Williams returns home from the Middle East, but a mysterious epidemic breaks out and infects his friends at his party. On the road to salvation, Jay is joined by his ex-sergeant, who reveals chilling secrets leading to a conspiracy. The night has just begun, as they embark on a survival quest for the ultimate truth..

That's My Face

That's My Face

In 1996, the filmmaker journeyed to the city Salvador Da Bahia - the African heart and soul of Brazil - seeking the identity of the spirits who haunt his dreams. Twenty years before, his mother made a parallel journey when she migrated with the family to Tanzania, East Africa in search of a mythic motherland. Shot entirely on silent Super 8 film by three generations of an African American family, "That's My Face" creates a mythopoetic feast of self-discovery..

Comic Face

Comic Face

An old man gets progressively livelier - and drunker - as he downs his bottle of beer. Finally, he cocks a snook - and doesn't bother to uncock it as he continues to drink..

The House and the Man without a Face

The House and the Man without a Face

Ofelia is painter who struggles with her work as she lives in a stagnant relationship with her husband. The fact that he goes out everyday and she stays inside without being able to paint, only makes her feel more alienated. But one day she recieves a strange phone call, which will make her face the inner conflicts she’s trying to hide..



Après un incident dans un bar, Laurentiu décède des suites d'une grave blessure à la tête. Le film l'accompagne tout au long de son dernier jour de vie et offre un aperçu de ses derniers instants. Basé sur une histoire vécue..

Why Does Every Handsome Guy Have a Boyfriend?!

Why Does Every Handsome Guy Have a Boyfriend?!

Kylie, a wedding planner, has had a string of boyfriends who have all turned out to be gays, including Benj. Eventually, the two became best friends and business partners. When Diego, Benj's childhood friend, resurfaces and asks them to plan his wedding, Kylie sets out to prove that she's right again--that Diego, is indeed another closet case. Will she succeed?.

Freddy tête de crapaud

Freddy tête de crapaud

Victor, 10 ans, doit faire face aux moqueries quotidiennes de Freddy. Alors qu'un cirque s'installe en ville, Victor est ravi de pouvoir auditionner pour un numéro mais ignore que Freddy va tout faire pour l'en empêcher....

The Workers Cup

The Workers Cup

Inside Qatar’s labor camps, African and Asian migrant workers building the facilities of the 2022 World Cup compete in a football tournament of their own..

À la recherche de Mr. Parfait

À la recherche de Mr. Parfait

Les ventes du magazine Manhattan-Line sont en chute libre. Au cours d'une réunion avec la rédaction, le directeur décide d'organiser un événement un peu particulier : il souhaite en effet recruter plusieurs célibataires « endurcis » et les présenter à un panel de femmes qui éliraient celui qui leur semble le plus parfait. Le tout donnerait lieu à une vente aux enchères au bénéfice d'une œuvre de charité. Hallie, une des rédactrices du magazine, est chargée du projet….

The Man with Bogart's Face

The Man with Bogart's Face

In this send-up of the Humphrey Bogart detective films of the 1940s, a man idolizes Bogart so much that he has his features altered to look exactly like him and then opens up a detective agency under the name Sam Marlow..