

Fist sokroflix gratuit

Raiders of Buddhist Kung Fu

Raiders of Buddhist Kung Fu

Gordon Liu takes on the mantle of a ruthless kung fu emperor who has mastered the Buddhist style of kung fu and diagram pole fighting technique. Hoping to usurp the wicked Emperor is Korean kicker and style master Mike Wong. In charge of the action is Lam Hark Ming, a student of both Liu Chia Liang and Sammo Hung..

The Secret Rivals 3

The Secret Rivals 3

John Liu stars as Shao Yu Pai, master of the "northern kick" kung-fu, still seeking revenge for the death of his brother. Evidence mounts that Lu Tung Chung (Alexander Lo), master of the "southern fist" kung-fu, is the culprit. What Shao doesn't realize, however, is that the true villain is subtly manipulating both the martial artists behind the scenes, hoping to force them into a confrontation and have the dirty work done for him..

Un Poing Sait Tout.

Un Poing Sait Tout.

Olivier est intégré dans un parcours de responsabilité contre la violence domestique. Avec son attitude "nombriliste", il oublie qu'il n'est pas si différent des autres membres du groupe. Une adaptation de la nouvelle du même nom..

Collector’s Item

Collector’s Item

Mr. Prentiss is an appraiser at his firm, the House of Prentiss. He is about to go to Florida to appraise a vast collection of a recently deceased collector, Van der Locken, when he receives an unwanted visit from Ivor Hager, who informs him of "The Left Fist of David," a valuable but mysterious art object that was stolen from a Mexican church. An unsold TV Pilot.

Swift Shaolin Boxer

Swift Shaolin Boxer

Angelo Mao, Judy Lee and Barry Chen star in this tale of murder, intrigue and betrayal. When two separate imperial agents stay in the same room at different times are both offed, foul play is afoot. After passing his five challenges required to qualify for the mission, Agent Ho Kun is dispatched to the town where the murders took place, to stay in the aforementioned room and complete the mission bestowed upon his ill fated colleagues. Upon discovering that some of the local contacts are employed by the antagonist of this tale, things start to get complicated..

Tiger Man

Tiger Man

Don Won's father dies and his home is burned, so he decides to go off to learn kung fu. 10 years later in the city of Taipei, Don interferes with the Tongs while defending his best friend.The gangsters swear that Don can never hide, they’ll find him and kill him. Don's mom gives him money that she saved and tells him to go to America where he'll be safe, but it's not enough, so he ends up in Hong Kong and the gangsters catch up to him again..



A father takes care of his only teenage son with unusual intensity and passion, which results in the son feeling suffocated. Trying to free himself from home, Andrej finds escape among his teenage friends and, above all, with a new girl..

The Green Jade Statuette

The Green Jade Statuette

Meng Fei stars as a fighter-for-hire who seeks the jade statuette for an unidentified employer. Hu Chin plays the sexy femme fatale, Madame Pearl, who runs the local brothel, seemingly the center of the town's commercial life. Chi Kuan-Chun plays Wu Kang, the town boss, who is involved romantically with Madame Pearl and protects the brothel. Madame Pearl is in league with the bandits who stole the jade and is waiting for them to arrive in town. The very pretty Kitty Meng Chui plays a prostitute who becomes an ally of Meng Fei. Mysterious characters abound, including one elegant fellow who has the habit of placing a single rose on the bodies of fight victims, saying, "Even the dead love roses." Many other familiar faces are on hand as well..

The Defiler

The Defiler

The Defiler is a fuck-yeah-tale of passion, mayhem, love and revenge, ode to 80’s action, italian ripp offs and b-sleaze set in the cinematic splatter-punk universe..

Triumph Of Two Kung-Fu Arts

Triumph Of Two Kung-Fu Arts

For a movie with kung fu right there in the title this one sure takes it's time before we even get to any fight scenes. For the first half hour or so it's all heavy melodrama about a guy seeking revenge for his dead father and his mom's disappointment with him for not getting it and generally for being such a loser. When we finally get to some fighting there are some weird choices including one of the end fight scenes being just a series of stills shown over some music..

Mantis vs Falcon's Claws

Mantis vs Falcon's Claws

A silk dealer and a princess are traveling in the China country, when they are attacked by a group of Falcon bandits. The bandits kidnap the princess and steal the silk. The princess's father makes an effort to free his daughter, but fails, and the bandits demand a ransom. Meanwhile, the silk dealer goes to a Shaolin temple, and trains to learn Mantis kung fu. After much intense training, he goes after the bandits..

The Divine Martial Arts Of Dharma

The Divine Martial Arts Of Dharma

A rumor surfaces that the fighting scriptures, 'Dharma's Secret Technique,' written by the Buddhist priest, Dharma, is secretly hidden in a Buddhist temple in China. The masters who love justice and the warriors of the Biryong Fighting Hall search high and low for the scriptures. Seo Chun-wi has come from Koryo to avenge himself against his parents' enemies. Chun-wi becomes the disciple of the greatest fighting master Tae-baek. He receives 'Dharma's Secret Technique' and begins his training. However, Ma Chun-pyo and his gang have been eyeing the scriptures. They put drugs in Chun-wi's tea and defeat him. They seize 'Dharma's Secret Technique' and even kill Ah-min, Chun-wi's girlfriend. However, through incredible efforts, Chun-wi regains his strength and makes a clean sweep of Chun-pyo and his gang. Chun-wi punishes Suk-in, the enemy of his parents, and returns to his home country..