

Comment regarder The Leg sur Netflix gratuitement

Legendary Head Shou

Legendary Head Shou

Ijuuin Shou is the leader of the Grand Cross, a gang of delinquents with over a thousand members. Yamada Tatsuhito is a perennial errand boy with no presence in class who is the bottom of the school hierarchy. When Shou ends up hospitalized, he proposes that Tatsuhito take his place as his body double for a month while he recovers to prevent the gang falling into disarray. Tatsuhito, who goes from a life of being bullied to a life as a delinquent leader, struggles to get through each day without others finding out his true identity. Takahashi Fumiya takes on a dual role of both characters..

Egumi Legacy

Egumi Legacy

The story of EGUMI LEGACY is set on the remote island of Egu, where the inhabitants sole means of entertainment comes from listening to the beautiful singing voice of the diva known as “End of the World”. However, the sudden disappearance of End of the World plunges Egu Island into a whirlpool of anger, anxiety, and suspicion as the residents begin to scheme and set their own plans into motion. Against this backdrop, the legendary “Egumi Legacy” holds the key to finding End of the World and putting an end to “The Great Licking War”..

Retour au Loch Ness

Retour au Loch Ness

Beaucoup de choses se sont passées pour Tim après l'aventure au bord du Loch Ness, qui lui a permis de réunir sa famille. Sa mère est tragiquement décédée et à l'approche des grandes vacances, son père décide de l'emmener à Bornéo. Ceci n'est pas au goût de Tim qui réussit à changer la destination des billets d'avion pour l'Écosse. Là-bas, Tim découvre bientôt, dans un vieux château au bord du lac, une vieille carte en vieux celtique. Pourrait-elle révéler les secrets de Nessie, la célèbre créature du lac ?.