

Où voir Elephant Netflix

The Hour of Blue Elephants

The Hour of Blue Elephants

Two days before Christmas. Zuzanka and Tomás, friends from a kindergarten wander off during a walk. They admire toys and decoration in shop-windows. Zuzanka shall receive a sledge as a Christmas present and Tomás even a desired little brother. At a shooting gallery Tomás aims at a target on the trunk of a blue elephant which can call in Christmas. The impatient Zuzanka pushes to her friend and he shoots directly to the elephant's red eye. Things which the owner of the shooting gallery warned about happened: the sun popped on the sky, the snow melted and all Christmas shopping has stopped. Both pushful children decide to get a new eye for the elephant so that everything can be set right..

Elephant Path – Njaia Njoku

Elephant Path – Njaia Njoku

An indelible tale of friendship and commitment set against the luminous beauty of the Central African Rainforest. Together, elephant behavioral biologist, Andrea Turkalo, and indigenous tracker, Sessely Bernard, will be tested by the realities of war and the limits of hope for the majestic animals they have committed their lives to study and protect..

Elephant in the Dark

Elephant in the Dark

Jalal Amin is the main character in the story, an old garage owner whose brother Hussein is studying in Germany. On his return, Hussein brings the latest model for the glory of a Benz car. Without Hussein's knowledge, criminal networks have inserted heroin in his car and are looking for it after the car enters Iran. Hussein is killed by criminals and Jalal confronts them to avenge him..

Elephants In The City

Elephants In The City

In this intimate portrayal of the lives of workers migrating away from home to the city in Vietnam, a young woman goes to the zoo to meet ex-boyfriends, and a married teacher has a secret relationship with a security guard..

The Red Elephant

The Red Elephant

Magdalena is a young girl who lives in a brothel in the heart of Bogota-Colombia. On the night of her 15th birthday she gets her first client; 77 year-old Eduardo has paid to see her sleep naked. She is supposed to take a sleeping potion and sleep through his presence but, forgetting this task, she pretends to be asleep. Over the course of several visits, Magdalena begins to fall in love with Eduardo, never having opened her eyes to see him. As she realizes her mistake, Eduardo teaches her something that will help her cope and become the woman that she has always wanted to be..

Perm Antiquities. The Elephant of Okhansk

Perm Antiquities. The Elephant of Okhansk

200 to 300 thousand years ago the banks of the river now called Kama were inhabited by mammoth’s and elephant’s ancestors. Presently fishermen have found the fossils of these in the steep banks of Kama. All of it started from there… In the film, you can see how the discovery of the trogonterii mammoth’s fossils became the center of the social initiative for people from the nearest villages and even the Krai’s administrative capital..

Elephant in the Car

Elephant in the Car

An ordinary work night in Beijing, Xiao got off late, she ordered an Uber carpool the way home, the driver picked up other carpoolers on the way, two Uyhgur boys who lives in Beijing, as soon as they gets in the car they started talking in a languague that no one else understands which made Xiao and the driver little bit uncomfortable. Driver had to find a way to talk to those guys at the back, turns out they from Xinjiang, Driver and the two boys started chatting with each other, they really hit it off, even played music loud and danced ,but Xiao on the front seat seems couldn’t fit in with them, when the driver just about to play another song, she told him she wants to get off..



Sightless main character, fascinated by an ancient description of a peculiar animal, decides to find one and get some personal experience. Accompanied by his three blind friends, he starts an intriguing journey in search of the mysterious creature. They are led through a mixture of various scents and noises to finally reach their goal. Each character, relying on his senses, gets a very different impression of the elephant..

Elephants, the twilight of the giants

Elephants, the twilight of the giants

Elefants are the largest land animals on our planet. They appeared on Earth 50 million years ago, long before human beings emerged as a species, and were distributed all over the world to the very limit of permafrost. They are strong, intelligent and have powerful adaptive weapons. But their evolutionary success is due, more than any other factor, to their extraordinary family ties..

An Elephant and a Rope

An Elephant and a Rope

All the girls of one of the Moscow houses can tirelessly jump over a skipping rope. But little Lida did: can't learn to jump. Once in a dream a wise elephant gives her a piece of advice: to learn how to jump, you must first do a good deed....

Our Age Comes Riding on a Circus Elephant

Our Age Comes Riding on a Circus Elephant

Lacking a coherent plot, We're All Riding on a Circus Elephant depicts the collapse of western civilization as a free-form collage advocating group anarchy and actor improvisation. The stage is a boxing ring. Those actors who are "onstage" get into the boxing ring and assault each other with words. Others heckle and cheer at the sidelines, or act as a rhythm-and-blues chorus while changing costumes or wigs. Taking as its coda Andy Warhol's dictum that everyone gets fifteen minutes of fame, actor transformations depict the Breakdown of Japanese values and selfhood due to an obsession with popular American culture..



A 10-year-old girl doesn't want to go to school. While wandering around the playground, she comes across an elephant. Not knowing whether it's real or a fantasy, she follows it and takes a ride on a paper-boat bus to someplace else..

The Elephant

The Elephant

Sami and Makram live in difficult financial conditions. They plan to seize a valuable artifact to pay off their debts to their rich friend, so the duo goes through a series of adventures and dangers.

Cao Chong Weighs an Elephant

Cao Chong Weighs an Elephant

Set in the Three Kingdoms Period, ancient China, India presents Cao Cao an elephant. Cao Cao wants to know the elephant's weight, only his youngest son Cao Chong comes up with an idea to weigh the jumbo..