

Où voir Enemy Netflix

Paths of Enemies

Paths of Enemies

In a Kazakh village at the beginning of Soviet power, a wealthy kulak (landowner) voluntarily denounces his opposition to the new regime and hands over his large home to be a new school for the children of the villagers. But three people in the village have difficulty believing that their class enemy is now their friend..

The Enemies

The Enemies

Zoreh is a woman in her 60s, who lives in a big apartment building with her grown-up divorced daughter and elderly mother, in a somewhat tense relationship. Zoreh’s son has gone missing. She runs a small beauty parlour at home and everything is seemingly alright. But then anonymous letters start appearing in the residents’ post boxes. Someone has started to poison Zoreh’s life, to mentally harass her and to expose the hidden parts of her life. Who is it and why and is there any actual substance to the letters?.

No Girl is Without Enemies

No Girl is Without Enemies

After Rinka's teacher threatens to close the film club, it is up to her to save it. Can she produce a film with the help of her friends and thereby prove that the club should continue to exist?.

The Enemies

The Enemies

60 year-old Zohreh's son is missing. Her husband has left her and she lives with her elderly, foul-mouthed mother and recently widowed and short-tempered daughter in the Ekbatan Housing Project. She has a beauty salon in her apartment and life I good until one day when leaflets begin to appear in mailboxes around the housing project that slander Zohreh's character. Her life becomes a nightmare as problems begin to get worse. We soon find out that Zohreh herself is the author of these leaflets that she writes in order to get revenge on herself and other. It is a game where she loses everything but also wins everything back..

Enemies of Happiness

Enemies of Happiness

In September 2005, Afghanistan held its first parliamentary elections in 35 years. Among the candidates for 249 assembly seats was Malalai Joya, a courageous, controversial 27-year-old woman who had ignited outrage among hard-liners when she spoke out against corrupt warlords at the Grand Council of tribal elders in 2003. Enemies of Happiness is a revelatory portrait of this extraordinary freedom fighter and the way she won the hearts of voters, as well as a snapshot of life and politics in war-torn Afghanistan..

The Enemies of the Potato: Bacterial Diseases

The Enemies of the Potato: Bacterial Diseases

Bacterial diseases are caused by infinitely small beings, called microbes or bacteria, and are accompanied by physiological disorders such as hollow heart, black heart, etc. This documentary presents the main characteristics of these diseases as well as means of repression or prevention..

The Enemies of the Potato: Virus Diseases

The Enemies of the Potato: Virus Diseases

Among the various diseases that attack the potato during the growing season, there are first of all the virus diseases such as Mosaic, Leaf Roll, Spindle, Purple Top, etc. Certified seed appears to be the most effective means of combating these diseases..

Mortal Enemies: From Death and Survival in Stalingrad

Mortal Enemies: From Death and Survival in Stalingrad

January / February 1993 marked the 50th anniversary of the German surrender at Stalingrad. On the occasion of this anniversary, a television documentary was produced in German-Russian cooperation, which, following a classic documentary pattern, allows 6 contemporary witnesses, former opponents of the war, to recount their personal experiences in front of the camera..

Among Enemies: Jeonju Digital Project 2010

Among Enemies: Jeonju Digital Project 2010

Six soldiers wandering in search of enemies in the forest where they can't see an inch ahead. While gathering on the island to prepare Shakespeare's play, Luisa finds out that other actors are stalking her. A pig iron ephemera transported to a steel mill..

Mortal Enemies and Other Nonsense

Mortal Enemies and Other Nonsense

11-year-old Hugo and Lucas used to be best friends and now are strangers forced to spend an afternoon together. They end up on one last journey to the imaginary universe they both created when younger, but everything has changed..

Brothers But Enemies

Brothers But Enemies

The series depicts the corruption rooted in Egyptian society prior to the revolution, through the portrayal of a shrewd businessman and his connection to important statesmen..

Piège en eaux profondes

Piège en eaux profondes

Un scientifique a créé un virus capable de contrôler le comportement des personnes infectées. Le scientifique, aidé par un agent de la CIA corrompu, s'empare d'un sous-marin nucléaire et tente de vendre le virus au plus offrant. L'agent Chris Cody est alors envoyé en mission afin d'arrêter le scientifique. Mais une fois à bord lui et son équipe s'apperçoivent que tout l'équipage du sous-marin est infecté par le virus..

Doctor Who : Le Seigneur du temps

Doctor Who : Le Seigneur du temps

Condamné à être exécuté par les Daleks, le Maître émet une dernière volonté : revenir sur sa planète, Gallifrey, en compagnie de son ennemi de toujours, le Docteur. Mais un accident lors du voyage les oblige à atterrir de toute urgence sur Terre....